Entry #3

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I just discovered something, when I entered the smoky area I discovered where the smoke came from, it was a Vizion lab... or at least, what's left of it, the building was damage to what looked like an explosion occurred, plant life began to grow all around it, this lab had been abandoned for what I assume is 19 years, I was looking for the security room, when I bumped into something very dangerous, I guess there was a chemical spill because there was a giant plant like a monster, it looked like Venus fly trap but it was blue, and had sharp teeth,I tried to attack me but I managed to get away, coincidently the room I hid in was the room I was looking for, although he was messy, there were a few vines, behind it was a bloody message dried up on the wall, it read

"Eggtree is a monster, ran away."

I managed to download the security footage from back when the cameras were still functioning into a USB chip I brought with me in case I had to go in an area that involves technology, to normal person it would seem useless, but who's laughing now

I open my laptop and played the footage, in some of it a scientist ran into some kind of bio lab waving around a human child limb causing blood to spill everywhere, one little droplet at a time of course, apparently there was an experiment they did with animals, but when it was performed it create a specimen that went rogue, Viz had to shut down the project because of many incidences that happened, but since it was only focused on animals it was never been performed on a human, A few minutes into the footage and I discovered something very disturbing yet wonderful, for that human limb belong to none other than Phil Eggtree, The scientist had found it floating around in space, and he brought it down using a teleportation be satellites orbiting the earth, it was mainly designed to collect any debris floating around in space in case a spaceship got destroyed and in need of repairs, The experiment was performed and was a success, there were no technical problems, and Phil was back, although he looked different, he had the same eyes as the wolf pup I encountered when I was seven, and he suddenly has hair, he even has white wolf ears and a tail somehow, and the only strange part was that there were certain parts of his body that were green, and appear to be rotting away or something, when he woke up he seemed scared, then with a confused look on his face began to look around, he seemed concerned about some thing, he was asking the doctor the same questions until he assumed something bad happened, and got angry, the doctor doctors told the first one then what he did was a bad idea, and then Phil attacked, destroying everything in sight, including the security cameras, he attacked everything and everyone, most of the building was destroyed, and then there were no survivors left, and then he suddenly escaped, but I knew why he attacked, it was mostly because of the question he asked which was

"where is she, what happened to her?!"

And I knew straight away, that he was talking about me, I have to go find him now, if he's been alive for the past 19 years, he's probably an adult by now, I must find him

Riddle School: The Wolf journalΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα