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"Jeon", jungkook heard his boss calling him through the office telephone.

"Yes, Mr Kim?"

"Get me a cup of coffee from the cafeteria and I want that within 10 minutes. Keep that in mind and move your body faster", with that the call ended and jungkook just bolted out towards the cafeteria, not minding the pen tucked in his ear.

"Aish! This man seriously makes me feel that I'm in some survival program!",he literally screamed inside his mind as he ran towards the elevator.

"Where do you think you're going, Ms.Nancy?", jungkook asked as he saw outside the said girl waiting outside the elevator- the only elevator which leads to the CEO's floor. Seven minutes have already gone and his luck has decided to play by sending the girl who's itching to not only lose her job but also his.

"Of Course to Mr.kim's",the girl had the nerve to utter and jungkook just wanted the girl to trip on air and break the whole front row of her teeth.

"Just go away before I ask help from the guards,Ms.Nancy. Mr.Kim had already warned you multiple times and if you don't take his words seriously this time, he'll for sure fire you and put you on blacklist",he warned which instantly made Nancy to fume in anger.

"Who are you to say this,huh!?",she screeched, which only made jungkook to roll his eyes at her.

"I'm his assistant and for your information, he ordered me not to allow you in his cabin. And if I remember correctly,you were there when he said that,I guess",he said and that was enough for the girl to stomp her legs and walk away,not before bumping her shoulders with him which made the hot coffee spill over his chest, burning the skin in process.

"Shit!",he hissed but that was not important right now. The Hitler's coffee is spilt and he was the one to face his wrath. He immediately ran back towards the cafeteria to buy the coffee before it was too late.

"Mr.Kim! I'm so sorry! I was late and-

"Just place the coffee on my table and go away, Jeon. I'm not in the mood to hear your apologies", taehyung said tiredly and jungkook could clearly sense that something was wrong with his boss but he decided to walk away silently, thanking the heavens that he was not executed by his boss and still alive.

"Hey tae", namjoon called as he entered the said male's cabin who only nodded his head slightly, continuing his work wordlessly.

"I've brought the file you've asked me to prepare,tae. ",he said as he gave the younger man the file and sat down on the chair with a sigh.

"Taking a short break from work won't harm you,tae.",he sighed as he glanced at the other who just shrugged.

Namjoon was the only 'friend' of the young ceo. Ie. From namjoon's point of view but for taehyung? Namjoon was his father's top student who is now just his lawyer who sometimes helps him hire his employees by conducting the interview from his place. That's it. Even namjoon knows this but he begs to think otherwise. He knows what taehyung had gone through in the past and could clearly understand that this taehyung was just a result of it. 

"That's just a waste of time, hyung. Moreover, I have a tight schedule and resting is not an option",he said as he kept typing on his laptop.

"You're busy or you're keeping yourself busy, tae? At this rate you're just overworking yourself. What do you achieve by torturing yourself?",he asked but got only silence as a reply as taehyung kept typing, clearly ignoring the questions directed towards him.

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