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Longer chapter alert~

The next day(Tuesday)~

"Mr.Kim", jungkook called meekly as he knocked at the door and entered as soon as he heard a low 'come in' from inside.

"Mr.Kim,the file",he said as he passed the file to the older male who just looked at him for a few seconds pointedly before turning his attention towards the file.

"Is there any meeting today, Jeon?",he asked as he skimmed through the file.

"No,Mr.Kim. You only have a meeting with Mr.Bae by this Friday.",and taehyung just hummed in acknowledgement.

"Mr.Kim?", jungkook called after a minute of silence.

"Yes?", taehyung raised his eyebrows as he saw his assistant squirming in his place.

"H-how's your hand? Did you go to the hospital? Did you change the wound dressing, Mr.kim?",he asked as he eyed the injured hand and taehyung who noticed this, couldn't help but feel something different taking place in his heart. Maybe it was happiness? Happy that someone cared for him? He couldn't pinpoint what this feeling was but one thing was prominent. That is,he felt nice but cleared his throat once he noticed what he was doing.

"Get a grip,tae. You clearly know that you're not supposed to be like this",he scolded himself before turning his attention to the other male who looked half dead to be honest. He noticed it from the moment his eyes laid on the younger male this morning but just let it slide because it was not his place to pry on his personal life, whatever it may be.

"I did, Jeon. Hyung took me yesterday",he said as he still eyed at the younger questioningly.

"Are you not feeling well, Jeon?",he couldn't help but ask, which startled jungkook instantly.


"You look like a zombie, Jeon. If you're not feeling well you could have taken a day off",he said and raised his eyebrows when he saw his assistant shaking his head frantically.

"No no,Mr.Kim. I'm perfectly alright-

"Well,you don't seem to be",he said as a matter of fact.

"I just didn't get to sleep well yesterday,Mr.Kim. Other than that, I'm totally fine", jungkook tried to reason out.

"Whatever you say, Jeon. You can leave early today. Do you get it?",he said sternly.

"B-but ,Mr.Kim-

"Do. You. Get. It?",he asked as he looked at the other with his piercing gaze which made Jungkook agree to him immediately.

"Yes ,Mr.Kim",he agreed and taehyung just nodded his head before turning back his attention to the file.

"And I see that you've changed my table into a wooden one,huh?",he asked as he still kept his focus on the file.

"I see what you did there, Jeon",with that said he signed and passed the file back to jungkook who literally disappeared instantly, totally afraid to deal with his boss at the moment which only made the said male to chuckle softly.

"You're something else, Jeon",he sighed but shook his head before focusing back onto his laptop.

It was already lunch which made taehyung to sigh loudly. 

"It's already lunch,huh?"he said particularly to no one as he stood up and stretched his body.

"Hmm... let's go",he hummed as he closed his laptop, already planning to go to the nearby restaurant that he usually goes to for his lunch which was owned by a middle aged woman.

Love Me, Heal Me ||TAEKOOK▶️Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin