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"No, Jiminie. I'm totally fine . It's just that I have some important work to do and I felt that it will be better if I have my lunch at my table",he said and sighed when he heard Daniel whining in the background.

"You sure, kookie?"

"Totally",he replied as he eyed the still closed door but got startled when he heard a loud crash from his boss's room.

"Jiminie! I have to leave now! I'll call back afterwards!"he said as he cut the call immediately,not minding to hear the reply and ran towards the door contemplating whether he should enter or not.

"Well you have no other choice, jungkookie!",he muttered under his breath as he opened the door only to gasp loudly at the scene he was witnessing.

"M-Mr.K-Kim",he gasped as he eyed in horror at the bloody hands of his boss who was now glaring at him.

"Mr.Kim!"he exclaimed as he ran towards the other carefully avoiding the glass shards of the table which the CEO had managed to break with his bare hands.

"Didn't I say that no one is allowed until I say otherwise?"Taehyung asked, his deep voice and sharp eyes only made Jungkook shudder in fear.

"M-Mr.Kim… I'm s-sorry b-but your hand-

"And you still have the nerve to stand in my room!"he snarled but Jungkook managed to remain rooted to the ground.

"Mr.Kim...please...your hand is injured!

"Go away before I fire you", taehyung tried to warn but jungkook just walked towards the injured man and held his hand, silently inspecting the wounds, though he was internally dying out of fear.

"Please save me,My dear almighty!",he kept praying internally while taehyung stood there, totally dumbfounded by the younger male.

"Thankfully no glass pieces are stuck in your hand,Mr.Kim", jungkook said after his short inspection,as he avoided eye contact with his boss.

"Jeon", taehyung had enough and called the secretary who was stunned by the stern voice.

"I'll ask someone to bring the first aid kit from the dispensary,Mr.Kim. My mom is a nurse so I know the basics of first aid. You can go to the hospital after you relax yourself,Mr.Kim",he said as he started walking outside to get his mobile but got stopped by his boss's voice.

"Jeon! Cut the crap and go back to your work before i really fire you! Don't you dare to play with my foul mood and make it worse. The results would be ugly", taehyung literally growled with a warning gaze and jungkook couldn't help but gulp down in fear.

"I-I'm e-extremely sorry,Mr.Kim. But I've promised Mr.Kim Namjoon that I'll l-look a-after y-you-

"So you both made a pact for babysitting me,huh?", taehyung growled in anger and jungkook literally felt like crying.

"N-No,Mr.Kim! Please! D-don't twist my words! H-he was just worried

"Well I don't want anyone to worry about me. So GET OUT!",he snarled as he eyed the tears flowing out of his secretary's eyes but decided to ignore them.

"I'm sorry,Mr Kim. But I won't leave until I treat those wounds. Not because of the promise but because of my conscience. I won't forgive myself if I leave without helping when I clearly had the opportunity to do so. So please wait until I bring the first aid kit,Mr.Kim",he said confidently as he walked out without waiting for his boss to reply.

"Everyone are the same! Not even allowing me to explain myself and even worst! Twisting my words for their own liking!",he cried as he called jimin to bring the first aid kit to him who agreed immediately but not before confirming that everything was ok with him.

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