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Okay, first thing-

Thanks for checking out my book. Really, I mean it.


I do not mean to offend any Plateran shippers. Or Playtain. Or Player X whoever-you-ship-with-him shippers, okay? So don't come charging at me just because I made a fictional character and made her have a crush on Player.

*That was totally not a spoiler.*


I don't know if it's okay to just add a character into the series and write a fanfiction about it. I'm pretty new to this 'copyright' thing, so yeahhh...

So here you go:

All the other characters except for Nakaria belongs to Gametoons. I do not own them.

There you go.


Is 'fourthly' a word?

Fifth of all-

The cover is bad, I know. I'll probably change it later on if I have the motivation.


I'm not a native, which means grammar problems and misspelled words. Possibly change of style too. Wow. This is getting greater by the second. Note the sarcasm.


Why did I change this to simply numbers?


Phew, the English words are back. Anyways, if you haven't checked out Among Us Logic and the Novisor series, what are you even doing here? Go watch it, it's AMAZING. And trust me when I say it.


I will very much possibly have a QNA at the end of this book if we ever get there. I know much of the things that happen here are confusing sometimes, so if you have any questions about what on earth is happening in this book, I'm happy to answer. (If I can)


Hmm... uh... nothing. I can't think of anything to put in here. Anyways, hope you enjoy this book!


Novisor's Daughter--- (Among Us Logic AU)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora