Chapter 6

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Nakaria p.o.v.

I hate to admit it, but my reflexes were worse than ever.

Why? I dOn't kNOw, mAyBe It'S beCaUse I DiDn'T haVe tRaiNiNG fOR SEVEN YEARS?!

Seriously. Before, I could take down twenty ghosts at a time, and not get tired. I was seven. SEVEN.

Now I'm fourteen, and I can't even kill five enemies at a time.

Okay, maybe that wasn't so much of my fault. See, Duncan had said," We'll start with five." I thought he meant ghosts. That was easy. You just gotta plunge your sword, knife, whatever weapon into their stomach and they're dead. Heck, even a kick to the head might do it if they're weak. So I expected that.

What he didn't mention was that I wasn't going to fight ghosts, but skeletons.

Crucial part you didn't mention, Duncan. Great job.

You see, skeletons are actually harder than ghosts to defeat. Sure, if you're using a normal weapon not infused with dark energy, it would pass through the ghosts, but I was always given a dark energy weapon. But skeletons, even though they can be hit with normal weapons, can reform.

Yes, you heard it right, they can literally regroup their bones back together within a few seconds. So technically, they're kinda unkillable. Maybe even immortal. (No, wait, they're already dead. No, wait, that's exactly why they're immortal. Oh, just ignore me.)

"Great." I thought as I watched a skeleton reform in front of me. "Just great." I kicked a skeleton in the stomach and plunged my sword into its head, but it just went between its bones into thin air.

Oh yeah, did I mention that they had no flesh? You had to aim directly at their bones to get a hit. Then you have to drive your weapon really, really hard into the bones to crack them.

However, bones are very tough. "Very, very tough." I groaned as I pinned a skeleton down to the floor of the training room, stabbing it in its ribcage. I pushed my dagger as hard as I could, but it wasn't enough. The skeleton kicked me and jumped to its feet while I clutched my stomach.

So far, I had only 'killed' one skeleton. And by kill, I mean shatter its bones. Then it reformed.

I panted as I looked around the room. The skeletons formed a circle around me. "Oh no... this is not good." I muttered as I shot a dirty look at Duncan. A skeleton threw its knife at me and I ducked. It hit another skeleton opposite it. The skeleton stumbled, and I saw my chance. I deflected another blade and charged at the wounded skeleton, taking my dagger and hitting it right at the spot where the previous weapon had struck him.

The skeleton moaned and dropped to the floor, before shattering into separate bones. But that was still no use. They could still reform anytime. I turned to see a skeleton running at me, knife poised. I stumbled backwards and I stepped on something. I looked down to see a smashed bone.

My eyes widened as I came to a realization. "There is a way to kill the skeletons." I thought. I looked at the skeleton still running towards me. I ran forwards and kicked it in the stomach, then smacking it in the head with the flat of my dagger. The two blows were too much for it to handle, and it crumpled to the floor. I stepped on its head forcefully, and successfully smashed its bones into a million pieces. I stared at it, and it didn't reform.

My idea was right; I just needed to make its bones too tiny for it to regroup them.

Another skeleton charged at me, and knocked my dagger out of my hand while I was distracted thinking about how I would defeat all the skeletons. "Stay focused, Nakaria." Duncan said, standing nearby. I glared at it and sidestepped to avoid his attack. I punched him and gave a blow to the head. I ran over and swiftly picked up my dagger while it was dazed.

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