Chapter 7

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Chloe POV

What happened? We use to be the best of friends. Telling each other everything. Always making up new excuses to hang out or just to talk. Spending hours on our parents phone just talking and laughing about random things.

I always look back at those wonderful times we use to have together. How she was scared of everything and I had to protect her. I felt like, like...

"... a superhero." Marinette said, smiling.

I blinked, remembering that memory.

9 years ago

Me and Marinette were playing in my room with my dolls. Mr. Cuddle was on the bed with some other stuff animals. He was in a "meeting" and was not to be distributed.

Marinette looked at my doll's dress in amazement. "Wow, I wish I can make clothes this good." She said. Almost sounding disappointed in herself.

"Why don't you?" I asked her. I knew Marinette was a shy girl and being in the fashion world would mean she would have to overcome her shyness.

She looked away. "You know I can't." She said.

I smiled at her. She was my best friend and I wanted her to go live her dream, no matter what. Even though I still didn't know what I wanted to be, I knew that I wanted her to succeed.

"Tell you what. If I help you overcome your fear and shyness, then you have to help me find my dream." I said.

Marinette smiled up at me. "Really? You'll do that for me?"

"Of course, just as long as you help me find my own dream on the way."

"It's a deal!" She yelled, as we both shook hands.

Present day

I was looking down at my hands. Those were the days. Me and Marinette use to run around town trying new things and trying to get closer to our dreams.

I smiled as I remembered some of the good old days.

9 years ago

It was right after me and Marinette made that deal. We rushed over to my dad's office and saw him sitting in his chair. I walked up to him.

"Daddy?" I asked.

He looked up. "Yes, pumpkin?" He asked.

"Can we play office in here?" I asked.

He sighed. "Ok, but please be quiet. Daddy has a lot of work to do, ok?" He said.

We both screamed. He looked at us and we shushed each other. He went back to his paperwork and we both giggled. We went over and sat on the floor. Marinette grabbed some coloring books and coloring pencils.

"Ms. Marinette, I want all these pages to be filled out by the end of the day. Without any mistakes." I said, laughing a little bit.

Marinette played along. "But Miss Chloe, that's impossible."

"Are you giving me lip?" I said, hearing my daddy say the same thing to his staff.

Marinette looked confused. "Ummm."

I leaned in and whispered. "I heard that from Daddy. I think it means 'attitude' ."

"Oh." She whispered back. She then giggled. "No, Miss, I would never give you 'lip'." She smiled brightly as she said that, also popping the 'p'.

I laughed but focused back. "Then get to work." I said.

"Yes, Ma'am." She said, and started coloring the pages.

Present day

Those really were the days. But now it's like we're strangers. I sighed and walked around my room. School was out and I was left with my thoughts.

What could I do to change everything? Would I do it? Or would I leave it the same? I started thinking about what happened. Why were we so far apart?

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