Chapter 16

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"Morning, kook." Taehyung greeted the boy who's eating breakfast. He tried to act as normal as he could but he still can't forget the kiss yesterday.

"M-Morning, hyungie." Jungkook greeted back with his head still tugged down.

Taehyung pulled the chair, sitting on it as he put his coat on another chair. "Kook I-" "I've finished my breakfast!"

Jungkook stood up frantically, walking away swiftly without turning his head even Taheyung keep calling his name.

Taehyung blinked his eyes, soon sighed heavily. "I really scared him, didn't I?" He grabbed the toast on the plate, shoving it aggressively inside his mouth.

"Shouldn't have kiss him back yesterday..." He mumbled while chewing the toast.

He quickly finished his breakfast and wore his coat. "Kook ah!" He yelled, getting a small yes in return but he couldn't see the boy, "I'm heading to work now. Wanna tag along?"

A sigh again slipped out from Taehyung's mouth when he heard Jungkook replied no. "Alright. Goodbye!"


Taehyung rubbed his forehead with his thumb and index finger, sighing loudly.

Jimin groaned, "Seriously pal? I came here to make you listen to my whine! And I'm here to listen more information about the little beauty! Not hearing you sighing for billions of time!"

Taehyung huffed, rolling his eyes, "The door is right there. You can choose to fuck off or roll yourself out of my fucking office."

"Whoa whoa, got up from the wrong side of the bed? What's wrong with that attitude? I'm your best friend pal!"

"I kissed the little beauty." Taehyung shortly said.

Jimin halted, mind processing the sudden information quickly. "The hell? You kissed a minor?"

"It's not exactly a kiss. It's just a small peck."

"Even worse. When you got that chance, why not just did a whole make up session? It's a waste! At least do some kiss with tongue involvement."

Jimin shrugged when Taehyung throw him disgusting gaze.

"I'm afraid he'll runaway from the house if I kiss him with your dirty way." Taehyung stated.

"It's not a dirty way, bitch. You're gonna to fuck him one day. Why not just do it?" Jimin said boldly, flopping himself on the big couch.

Taehyung stared at his best friend unamusingly with eyebrows quirked up, "You sure got no filter don't you?"

"Yes I am." Jimin's lips curved up, "Well it's a good news that you kissed him. Then why do you look so sad?"

"He's avoiding me after the kiss. I think I just scared the baby away." Taehyung let out a loud sigh, "What should I do now?"

"Kiss him again. With tongue."

Taehyung grunted while the dirty minded male just laughed evilly, "Be serious can you?"

"I'm being serious now, pal!" Jimin defended himself.

"He'll cry, cry until his tears flooded the city, Chim. He's not a bad bitch like you." Taehyung leaned down on his seat, closing his eyes, frustration could be seen on his face.

"I know, he looks innocent for me too. That's why I'm telling you to kiss him again, with tongue," Jimin rolled his eyes when Taehyung glared at him, "Let me finish my sentence before glaring at me can you?"

Taehyung shrugged, "Go on. Continue."

"And confess to him. Though you're annoying, arrogant, cocky and a walking ice cube, I'm sure he will fall for your charms after living with you for months. So confess with him!"

"But will he-" "Shh... Don't say but when you haven't even tried." Jimin placed his chubby finger on Taehyung's lips to hush the male down.

"Get your fucking finger off me!" Taehyung pushed the feminine male away, "I'll try your suggestion."


"Little Rosie, what should I do?" Jungkook crouched down, breathing heavily, "I think... I might l-like hyungie..."

His eyebrows creased to a frown, "But I don't think hyungie likes me..." He continue toy with the petal of the bloody red rose, "What should I do?"

"Rosie, can you reply me?"

Jungkook giggled cutely at his own dumbness, soon his smile fall.

"Argh!! What should I do!!! I'm in love with Taehyungie hyungie hyung!!!"


Jungkook's eyes widen. He turned around, eyes turning bigger when he saw Taehyung standing in front of him.

Heat rushes to Jungkook's face in embarrassment, "N-No I mean-" "Great, I like you too."

Jungkook stopped stammering, "Huh?" He stared at Taehyung with his wide Bambi eyes, "M-Me?" He asked as he pointed at himself.

Taehyung chuckled, "Yes, you."

"B-But I-" Taehyung's lips connected with Jungkook's, stopping the boy talking further.

They kiss for a while, mostly it was Taehyung who's leading the kiss as Jungkook don't know how to kiss. But of course, no tongue involved in this kiss.

Jungkook panted when Taehyung let go of his lips. The corner of his eyes were red as he stared at Taehyung, "You like m-me?"

Taehyung smiled, "That kiss is the answer, baby."


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