Chapter 1

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Natalia Alianovna Romanova.

Or best known as Natasha Romanoff and the Black Widow in the present.

Her job was as dangerous as she was.

An ex assassin, a spy, an undercover agent. She could be anyone she wanted to get anything done.

But only one thing that she couldn't be but she always craved to.

A mother.

Being pregnant and having a kid was one of her biggest dreams in life. But that significant dream was crushed when she knew she wasn't deemed to be one.

She was a killer.

Since she was just a teenager.

She knew she was forced to be one after her mother gave her to enter a secret organization which was known as the Red Room when she was just a child.

But a killer will always be a killer, no matter if it was forced or not.

She never knew who her parents were and she got nothing of a memory of them.

She only knew about the man that raised her until she became the person he really adored.


When she was in the Red Room, her life was only about surviving.

If she wanted to live, she needed to be the best among others.

Because she had seen it with her own eyes how her so-called caregiver killed the ones that didn't satisfy him enough to be kept alive.

It didn't end there when her last test was to execute one of her rivals in the Academy.

She did it successfully but when her trainer mentioned about the graduation ceremony, she was terrified.

She tried to pretend to fail when she was sparring with one of the best trainers but Madame B knew her too well.

"The ceremony is necessary for you to take your place in the world."

"I have no place in the world.


The words that Madame B put in her mind lived until this very second.

Even though she was not a killer she used to be.

She was then sterilized, as what Dreykov wanted her and the other Widows to only focus solely on the missions given, to avoid distractions.

After being recruited by SHIELD, Natasha and Clint Barton a.k.a Hawkeye became best friends.

He was the one that she opened up her past and he wasn't the one to judge her or ran away from her. He was willing to help her to get out of the hell hole. He even introduced his family to her.

Seeing Clint with his children, Cooper and Lila made her heart melt and the fact that she was not going to get children of her own made her even more broken.

[REWRITING] Miracle - Natasha Romanoff x Daughter ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now