1. The Garden Border

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Wings of Gold


The Garden Border

There was once a story about a woman who had an incredible ability of healing people. She was a beautiful woman with a kind heart who loved helping everyone around her. No one had any idea where she came from. While some believe that she wasn't a threat, there were quite a portion of curious villagers, skeptics who simply wanted to know where she originated. They brought up possible theories on how she might have obtained the amazing gift she has.

After months, the rumors had fully died down. All that mattered to them is how helpful the young woman had been to the whole village. A young prince from a nearby kingdom heard the news about the healer. He was secretly ill and made the decision to travel to the small village to see the healer himself. The prince fell in love with the woman after spending a week with her.

One day, a salesman from another town had wandered into the small village where the woman was residing. He was selling a collection of dead butterflies. She noticed how they were neatly pinned down inside a small glass container. In a fit of rage, the woman transformed into a dark winged creature resembling a black butterfly. She had pale skin, long dark hair, large black eyes and long hairy monster like fingers.

The village people came to a realization that the woman wasn't human. They were frightened to see her horrific side, so they started calling her a witch. A monster. A demon. They all wanted her to be killed before she could have the chance of hurting another person. The prince who was shocked and disgusted with the revelation immediately stabbed the woman in the heart. Before she died, she left a curse in the human realm that no one will ever be at peace. Wars will continue to ravage the land for all eternity. A dark reminder in exchange for the betrayal the people had given her.

Most of us believe that we're not the only people in the universe. The world is like an onion. There are multiple layers. Just because you can't see something, doesn't mean they don't exist.

"The end." My older sister, Isella, slammed the book shut and tossed it back on the wooden table in front of her.

"That's it?" I squeaked. "That was the end?"

Isella shrugged. "I guess. There isn't anymore. It was only a short story."

I scoffed as I jumped out of my bed. "Lame."

"I know it's not the typical love story you wanted to hear, Laya," she reached for the same book from the table, flipped it, and started reading the back cover. "According to the author, this was based on true events," she paused to look up at me. "It's tragic. But from what we know, humans enjoy weaving fictional stories just like we do, so we'll never know."

"That poor woman," I cried and went straight to my closet to pick the clothes I wanted to wear for the day. "What grates me is how the prince betrayed her at the end just because she was different. Anyway, I hate him. I hope he died a painful death. He deserves multiple stabs in the heart."

"Don't let it affect you, Laya," Isella chuckled. "It's only a story."

"Seriously, I am so angry right now," I groaned. Listening to the end of that story made my chest constrict. Why did I have to listen to that awful story? Why do humans love tragic stories? There are countless tragic events happening in their world every single day. Why add more pain and suffering to people's hearts? After changing, I reached under my bed for my wooden sword and scabbard. "I need to go out and let out some steam."

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