2. The Wish Box

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Wings of Gold


The Wish Box

We left the boy at the garden. Flora suggested we leave him there. At first, I never wanted to agree with her. I thought it was a bad idea to leave him there all alone, but according to her, there were people walking around the house so they will find him sooner or later. Besides, we're useless. Even though we were just inches away from him, we wouldn't be able to help. We live in two different worlds. Flora's power wouldn't be able to pass through the portal.

While we walked towards my white unicorn, I kept thinking about the boy we encountered. It felt a little strange when I was near him earlier. It was like a momentary surge of power. I'm not quite sure what it was, but I'm pretty certain of one thing, though.

I think I like him.

"See you again tomorrow?" Flora turned to me. She grabbed both my hands and squeezed them. "I know you really want to cross the portal, Laya. Don't worry, your dream will come true one day."

Flora had always given me strong doses of positivity since we were younger. Besides from grandpa, she was the person who cheered me up whenever I felt sick or whenever I was down in the dumps. She has a greater chance of visiting the human realm, and I couldn't imagine the pain I'd feel if she ever leaves one day. If that time comes, I wonder if she'll take me with her? I'd do the same if I had the chance. We would leave the flower kingdom and we'll live a peaceful life together in the mortal realm.

Flora's green and purple wings appeared from her back. Her wings are breathtaking. I've always admired them and I couldn't help but feel envious every time she takes them out. Why was I born without wings? Mother had her reasons for being overprotective over me. I didn't quite understand it at first, but now I think I do. She was just being a mother caring for her child's well-being. She didn't want me to suffer any kind of burden. A princess cannot experience any kind of hardships in her lifetime. Everything should be perfect. I get it. A parent's love is never ending. What my mother doesn't realize is that I am slowly being suffocated by her love. Inside my head, I kept hoping she would trust me a little more.

My siblings were born with powers and magnificent wings. I became a laughing stock when the whole palace learned that I was born without any powers and wings. It felt horrible to go outside and play. Up to this day, my mother's family and friends never cared much for me. My uncle made a snooty comment one time saying I would resemble a human if it weren't for my pointed ears.

While I was growing up, the other kids in the palace laughed at me. A lot. My siblings, Isella, and my brother, Eran, defended me quite often. But I had my own ways to protect myself. I wasn't afraid to be called an ugly human. Everything they said just went in one ear and out the other. Their harsh words just seemed to bounce off. What these kids didn't know is that they were actually doing me a favor. Just to get them off my back, I usually tricked them that I was really a human and I would skin them alive someday when I get older. They'd scream at the top of their lungs and run away and tell their parents about me. They never picked on me again.

When I turned eighteen, I secretly asked grandpa if he could teach me how to use the sword. He looked at me like I just lost my marbles. He had trained Eran for a few years and had already gone to battle with the Berbalangs. They're creatures that look like humans, but with large bat-like wings. They usually lurk in graveyards in the mortal realm to drink corpse blood. Honestly, I've never seen one up close. That's how Grandpa and Eran described them.

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