Heaven's Spear

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Due to Y/n's Superior Physical Strength and Speed he Scaled this Huge mountain in an hour Or less using the chain at his advantage

When he got to the top of the mountain he saw something wrapped in high level sealing  talismans it was in the shape of a dagger like weapon

"These things Are resistant to and block out cursed energy!" He referred to the sealing talismans although very Unluckily for the certain white haired sorcerer

"Oh! They came off!" Y/n simply Took them off
You see these seals were put on 11 whole years ago and Our Main Character Doesn't have any cursed energy so In conclusion The Seals have nothing to negate but physical Strength and When it comes to that Y/n is Unrivaled.

Y/n unwraps all the Talismans And Holds the dagger Like object in his hands

Y/n unwraps all the Talismans And Holds the dagger Like object in his hands

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Y/n looked at the Dagger and Simply thinks "This thing would be a great Spear head

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Y/n looked at the Dagger and Simply thinks "This thing would be a great Spear head." This Spear Nerd Likes spears so much that he thinks about  Breaking the handle of the most busted weapon in His series and putting it on a metal bow staff.

"We'll I'll do that later now I have to get back to Gojo so he can Tell me what the First years will be doing, just so I can be ready in case That rotten old man decides to try and eliminate Itadori again." He says as he dash down the mountain with the Special grade Cursed cursed tool The Inverted Spear Of Heaven And The Cursed Chain In his Arms

He left the Cursed energy restricted area and That's when he got Attacked by A Bunch of First grade curses. He attached the Chain on
the end of The Inverted Spear Of Heaven

And he Then started To swing it around his body at speeds the Curses couldn't comprehend

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And he Then started To swing it around his body at speeds the Curses couldn't comprehend

And he Then started To swing it around his body at speeds the Curses couldn't comprehend

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"Now how about you Weaklings go and die."
The Group of Curses did just that because when ever the Cursed tool Reached them they were shredded to pieces Without being able to fight back at all.A Bit of Curse Blood Got On his   Forehead and Dripped down When it stopped just about where his mouth was.

Y/n proceeded to rush back to The School he took about 3 or so hours to get back since he had to Run 100+ miles but when he got there he was bored when he saw no one so he spun the weapon in his hand.

Gojo Was Around campus Messing with students and The principal  that was until he heard foot steps and the sound of wind blowing , and leaves swirling around.

What he saw Horrified him He saw Toji Fushiguro Spinning his weapon ready to kill Him. He Was Starting to Rile his Cursed energy up and begun To Attempt to kill Toji the same way he did back then With. A Hollow Purple, the Mixing of His 2 Techniques Red and Blue.

He Snapped back to reality And just saw a bored Y/n Spinning His weapon with no malicious intent So he quickly stopped Charging purple and Yelled out to Y/n

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He Snapped back to reality And just saw a bored Y/n Spinning His weapon with no malicious intent So he quickly stopped Charging purple and Yelled out to Y/n

"STOP SPINNING THAT." Y/n Stopped when he heard Gojo Tell him to "Y/n Where did you get that Cursed tool..?" Gojo said in a hushed tone Y/n was utterly confused on the tone Gojo said that in." I got It in a Weird Place with a. Giant mountain And Why are you talking like that."Gojo looked at him in disbelief.

'He has a Weapon that could End my life And Destroy the balance of Everything in the Jujutsu World And here he is, Being so Oblivious.'

If you know what the inverted spear of Heaven is you'll understand how much of the plot I'll change

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