Sleepy Cuddle Aftermath

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Happy New Year Lovelies. More FLUFF.

Libby couldn't stand for it. They had just wrapped up their first sleepover, the only activity they had left was the actual sleeping part. Molly rolled out her sleeping bag next to Libby's bed, while Libby awkwardly watches, trying to be a good host she offers Molly an alternative.

"Molly why don't you share the bed with me? I can't have you on the floor while I have room to spare up here."

"Are you sure Libby," Molly ponders, "I don't want to push you out your comfort zone."

"Nonsense." Libby replies easing Molly's mind, she didn't want Molly to feel left out, it's their party after all, "I've got room to spare, get up here!"

Libby pats the vacant spot under the covers beckoning Molly to follow through. Molly with a sharp smile clad in her oversized shirt and night shorts, rolled up her sleeping bag and tucks it near her overnight bag. In the back of her mind Libby became nervous, there was no doubt about that. Molly is her bestie, her first bestie and now they were about to share bed together, Libby wanted to make a lasting impression. Molly climbs into Libby's bed next to her and Libby takes a deep breath to console herself, repeating "relax Libby" over and over in her head. She had never shared a bed with someone close to her age before and she was not about to freak out from lack of trying.

"Thanks Libby!" Molly breathed. Libby watched her best friend approach the side of the bed and settled under the same green blanket with her own pillow. Libby decided her own mind was getting the best of her and thought that this sleeping arrangement should be fun and not awkward, so she pretended it wasn't a big deal just to cut her own tension.

Molly noticed how tense her friend was in the presence of Libby's bed, "Comfy?" she politely asked. Libby settled on her own pillow staring upwards, her body stiff like a board, a bit conscious to the vast space between them. Molly chuckled when she noticed the flush of Libby's face. Libby turns her head towards her, and is met with a warm smile that's deemed infectious. Libby smiles back, easing the tension she built between herself and realizing her worries were not needed.

Molly leans over to Libby's nightstand and turns the lamp off, shrouding the room in complete darkness. Libby's shuffled around the sheets in her turtle pajamas to get acquainted for sleep before she whispers, "Goodnight, Molly."

"Goodnight, Libby," she quietly replies, cheery as she closed her eyes in front of her and drifts off into sleep.


Libby was pulled from her sleep when she felt a arm slink over her waist to find Molly cuddling her in her own sleep. It took her moment to get her bearings before she blushed madly from the sensation of being hugged in her sleep. She had never cuddled before, when she was young she would cuddle with her mom from time to time, but this was way different for Libby.

Molly tightens her grip on Libby in her sleep. Libby gasped slightly, Molly's face was so close to her ear that Libby began to tremble with excitement. She could feel her warm breaths and hear her light snores. Libby's entire mind went blank to the cuteness before her. She listened closely to her breathing, Libby noticed Molly's shutters, and findsMolly's legs poking from the blanket.

"She must be cold, poor thing." Libby thought and gathered some covers over the peeking legs, causing Molly to sigh softly in her sleep. "She so very cute when she sleeps." Libby brushed some loose strands away form Molly's face to get a better look. Libby thought about her bestie dearly, how energetic she was in the sun is up to find out how chill and content she became when the moon came to be. She felt pride from Molly's comfort, thankful to have a best friend to cuddle the night away.

Still clung to Libby, Molly brought her face unconsciously towards Libby's neck. Her skin began to tingle, knowing full well that area is sensitive on her. Libby felt herself lightly shake and gave off a meek involuntary moan from the sensation. It was enough to pull Molly from her sleep.

"Libby?" Molly whispers, and she found herself clung to Libby, "Oh sorry I must have migrated towards you in my sleep." Molly apologized, and just as she started to unravel from her bestie, Libby stops her.

"Don't apologize Molly, it actually feels kinda nice." Libby admits, "If you don't mind. Can we stay like this until the morning?" Molly nodded yes and lifts up her head so Libby can slink her arm around her. In their new embrace the best friends found their peace in slumber once more.


The new day's sunlight began to peer through the shaders. Libby's mom went to her daughter's room to wake them up. What she saw, she found very precious. Her Libby cuddled up with her best friend Molly. Mrs. Stein-Torres wanted to take a picture of this moment, and she did quickly on her phone before waking them up.

Molly's hands combed through Libby's baby soft hair, carefully separating the small tangles leftover from their night of a fun sleepover. Libby's mother had to open her bookstore this morning so the duo spent their Saturday lounging on bean bags together. "I've had a really nice time," Molly speaks, smiling at Libby from overhead.

''Twas my best slumber party ever!" Libby giddily answers and kicks her boots in the air, "I've only had two so far and you already know what my experience was with the first."

They shared a laugh. Molly continues to drag her fingers from the scalp down to the ends of Libby's long flowing hair. Libby found the sensation to be overly relaxing, so much so she closed her eyes. Libby began to think how lucky she became when Molly agreed to be her best friend. She thought about her past, reflecting how no one has made her feel the way she's feeling at this very moment. In many ways Molly changed her life, and she was ultimately grateful for it. She wanted to share those feelings.

"You're quite the cuddle bug, Molly McGee."

"Ahh! Don't tease me! I blame your bed it was feather soft and I lost control of myself. Sorry Libby."

" Don't be. I wouldn't mind doing it again, though."

Both their faces heated up when Libby got that off her chest, Molly pauses her combing. They smiled deeply at one another, happy that no lines were crossed, happy to find out they enjoyed each others company so much that cuddling was inducted into their love language.

"I'm lucky to have a best friend like you Molly."

Molly felt her eyes tear up behind her, becoming more emotionally invested with Libby as time past, "Not as lucky as I am, Libby."

Posted January 2nd, 2022

Mollibby DumpOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora