(Wattpad Exclusive) "First Kiss"

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Unrelated...but look how cute smol Andrea is!!!For me it is really hard to hate Andrea no matter what show wants me to feel. If they redeem her character, somewhat like how Amity from TOH transitioned I guess that would be nice to see, but if not I'm still a FAndrea!!!

Okay enough Andrea Davenport praise, we're here for some Mollibby fluff. This work is a wip, so it's unfinished. So basically I'm just practicing my Scratch dialogue. So it probably won't be on my AO3 yet so let it not leave this book. Let me know what you think so far.

"First Kiss"

The first time they kissed was fairly innocent.

Molly and her best friend Libby exited through the school doors together. They shared a bag of Puchao, Libby brought. The Japanese candy that delivers the delightful combo of fruit flavored soft candy and gummies. The flavors were melting on their tongues.

"You're such a connoisseur when it comes to after school snacks Libby. What's your secret?" Molly asks while chewing vigorously.

After one last look, Libby dumps the rest of her remaining pieces into her pocket, "I like what I like! No secrets. It also helps that I enjoy eating like a weeb."

They share a laugh and Libby tosses her bag in a nearby bin. In her excitement she pulls out her phone to showcase her pursuits in online shopping. Molly stares at the item displayed, a backpack with a glass dome and air holes for a pet cat.

"Mom says if I do well on this upcoming science exam, she agreed to buy it for us. That way I can safely transport Ahara without fear of her being mauled by a pack of raccoons."

"That's perfect Libby!" Molly handed her phone back, "This city should really look into that."

Scratch appears from the trash can holding Libby's discarded Puchao bag. He starts to produce tears finding out none was left to enjoy for the poor ghost. Scratch flies over to join the girls on their walk home and overheard their conversation.

"I disagree. I for one love this town's rabid raccoons, it makes this place more edgy. Besides they are not hurting anyone and they aren't picky eaters, much like myself."

Then out of nowhere as if right on cue, a lone visibly rabid raccoon jumps out of the alley way before them. It waned a loud hiss causing the group to jump and pushing them on high alert.

"I take it back!" Scratch meekly shrunk his form into a bite sized ghost and retreated into the cover of inside Molly's denim vest, "I'm not a fan of raccoons anymore!"

The frothy mouthed raccoon inched closer to Molly, who trembles before the wild creature and takes a step back in fear. Molly shuts her eyes hoping nature would give her break today, she didn't notice Libby reaching down and scooping bits of rock and loose gravel. Libby swiftly threw her handful of earth towards the vermin, being careful not to harm the creature but to get it to leave. "Begone, Pest!" Libby screams. Molly opens her eyes and watched the  vile raccoon scamper across the street in the other direction.

Molly clutches her chest and catches her breath after realizing she's safe for another day. Scratch flew out her jacket and back to his original form and patted Libby's shoulder as a thank you.

"Sheesh! What an ordeal that could've been. You know this city should really look into this obvious infestation, maybe better animal control perhaps." Scratch ponders.

"Wow! I've said it before and I'll say it again, Libby you are amazing!"

"Really it was nothing Molly. Speak of those devils and they shall appear, I guess."

"Speaking of foaming drool," Scratch imparted, "Can I have some of your candy, Libby?"

"Sure Scratch," Libby happily reaches in her pocket and gave the ghost the goods, "Hope you like all melon flavor."

Molly McGee was unsure of herself at the moment. Maybe, but as she walked along with her friends, Molly was no longer scared, only alert. She made and lost many friends due to her family's uprooted lifestyle, but coming to find the right people along her journey gave her a sense of gratitude.

Molly thought of Libby, as everyone trotted in silence peacefully, how brave she was in the face of pure chaos. It made Molly even prouder to be Libby's best friend, if it was even possible.

Libby must have noticed Molly's nerves still out of place. She reached a hand to her shoulder and gave an affirmative look towards her bestie.

The touch of her fingers caused a hot little worm of excitement in Molly's stomach.
"No fear in this dojo," Libby whispers. Molly likes her joke.

A loud burp rang above them as they reached their split up point, "mm-mm-mmph! Your snacks were delicious as always, Goodnight Libby! C'mon Molly," the specter flew off beyond their path.

"Right behind you, Scratch!" Molly hollered out.

Molly turned towards Libby. Libby initiated her goodbye by presenting her hold over Molly. Molly hums at the contact, that feeling of being protected returning as Libby's form acted as her safety blanket. Instincts got the best of her, Molly reaches upward and placed her lips on her best friends cheek just for a second. Libby was taken back, but it didn't show when her half lidded eyes laid upon Molly's warm smile and heard her whisper, "Thanks for not letting me die from rabbies."

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