Molly My Medicine III

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Molly My Medicine... (part 3)

Libby feels calm and quiet against her girlfriend, and Molly begins to think of that old quote about storms being named after people, and she finally understands. Her job is to understand. To let Libby know that she doesn't have to lock these things away inside of her, and to soothe her when she cracks.

"I know," Molly says again. It's all she'll ever say, but somehow it's enough.

She sits up, stares down at Molly, and smiles, brushing a few stray tears away from her face.

"Thank you," she whispers. "I love you."

Molly will grant her a small smile and look up at her. She's beautiful even like this, her eyes teary and her nose all red and splotchy. Molly loves her, she loves her so much and instead of answering she leans up and kisses her, she may not be a breath player but she tries to breathe all the love her heart holds for Libby into that kiss and she's pretty sure she reciprocated it.

Libby kisses back and it's a kiss of gratitude and appreciation and sadness and more than anything, love. Molly pulls back after a moment and smooth tears off her cheeks with the pad of a thumb, and she rests her head on Molly's shoulder and settles back to pull her into her lap, wrapping both arms around her and resting her chin on her head.

Molly wonders how she ever got so lucky as to end up with her. Libby always asks her the same thing.

She is strong and she is real and she is beautiful, and Molly always has to remind herself that she's what keeps her grounded. aspects were always void but Libby is tangible, and real, and perfect, and she'll never understand what Molly did to deserve her.

She kisses the place where Molly's neck meets her shoulder and smiles. her hand finds one of hers and holds it and damn it, Molly is supposed to be the one consoling her, not the other way around.

But then again, she tells herself that it's a give and take, and they couldn't last as long as Molly has if she didn't complete each other. Molly had always thought of it that way, even before she met scratch.

Life and Void. Everything and nothing. Libby is her everything, she's everything to Molly, entire universes contained in the body of one small woman, Molly doesn't feel like the best at times. Even through her inevitable self doubt, somehow Libby will love her anyway.

(The End)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2022 ⏰

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