Chapter Five: Partings

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"A Hero, huh...." The fat man finally collects himself with a cough before glaring down at us. "It looks like I'll be able to get a lot of money off of him... Now, what to do with all of you?"

We all flinch under his greedy gaze. 

"Excuse me my Lord." A servant who had remained unnoticed besides the fat man. "Since there is no profit in selling them at the moment, maybe when they are older; they will have value."

"Hmm." The fat man who was apparently a Lord hummed in response before suddenly grabbing my chin and forced me to look up at him. My hair parts to reveal the large burn on my face from that day causing his face to twist in disgust. "Tsk. Fine."  

He shoves me away from him, slamming my back hard into the wall as they left the room.

The next day, we were sent back outside to work in the hot sun. I looked around to see if Five was around but there was no sight of him and had to quickly start working as a guard eyed me with his hand on the whip on his side. 


I turn to see who was yelling, seeing that it was Five. He looked different-clean. I had no idea that his hair was such a brilliant red as the sun seemed to cause it to shine. Five was riding a carriage with many people surrounding it as they left through the castle gate. 

"F-five!" I rushed over to him, but was stopped by armed men in shining metals that gently clanked together when they moved.

"Wait! She's my friend!" Five tries to get out of the carriage with the long nosed man who puts a restraining hand on him. 

"You are the Hero." He says, looking down at me. "You do not need friends like that."

I gasp in pain as I was hit in the stomach with the flat of the sword and fell to my knees.

"Seven!! Seven!!!!!" I could hear Five calling for me as they continued on, leaving us behind. 

"Hey!" A guard comes up and yanks me up onto my feet. "Get back to work!"

I flinch at the sound of the whip that hit the ground close to my feet before quickly running off towards the tunnel. 


Months have passed, but nothing has changed outside of Five being gone. 

The four of us that were left behind had to do the work of ten people; otherwise we didn't eat. When I did get food, I tried to share it among the rest; having grown used to the empty feeling in my stomach.

It wasn't easy living like this, it also didn't help that there was another tunnel collapse that killed a lot of people which made more work for everyone who was left.  

I glance up to the sky to see what time it was when I noticed a strange black cloud hanging off to the side; there was no other cloud in the sky, the tips of the mountains clear of its usual fluffy coverings.

A guard seems to notice what I was looking at and a panicked look crossed his face before he suddenly runs to the castle. The other guards see the cloud as well but had us keep working until the guard came back. 

After the guard took a second to gasp for air, he quickly whispers into the head guard's ear who had the other guards quickly spread out. 

"Line up!!" The head guard yells before cracking his whip against the ground, the sound echoing. 

We did as we were told, hands out and ready for the chains to be reattached. The guards had all of us rounded up and marched up to the castle where people were running around franticly. 

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