Q&A!!! (HECK YA!)

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Hello everyone!! Iiiiiiiiiiits the 

🥁*Drum rolls*🥁

🎉The Q&A you've all been waiting for!!!🎉

Man, I've been excited about this since I talked about it the first time.

So lets get to it!

It's really brutal, but I love your style

Why thank you! I'm both glad and kind of scared of myself for those 1st few chapters that I wrote. I did purposely write those things to make you guys go- WHAT THE F**K and to be honest- this was the first time I have written something like that. 

Which is why I was scared of myself.

lemme guess, its a whip?

Yeahhhh, okay I should probably make this clear before we continue. When we are looking at this world through Soraya's eyes, I purposely describe things differently since she a child. Children see things in different ways plus since she never really had a chance to learn about the world around her with the fact that she is in a new world different that her original one.

Of course, as Soraya grows- there will be less of that.

Off topic, that's a beautiful name. I've always adored the name Soraya.

Aww! I actually had a hard time thinking of her name. Fun fact- Soraya means star cluster (Pleiades) in Persian. I actually chose it since it also means seven since Pleiades represents the seven daughters of Atlas and Oceanus in Greek mythology.

*Bonus fact* Seven and thirteen are my lucky numbers so I wanted to add that in there. 

Of course- the fact that I may or may not be a little obsessed with Raya and the Last Dragon has absolutely no reason in here.... *cough*

How old is she?

Ahhhehhhhh, well..... I didn't specially say how old she is. This will be addressed in a future chapter. (quickly looks away)


Yeah. Soraya lived in our world in the first two chapters before she died by dogs and was mysteriously transfer to where she is now. (Full disclaimer- I love dogs. For those who are here from 'How the Emperor Trapped a Witch' should know since I've posted a few pictures of him.) so that was pretty rough for me to write to be honest.

Of course, more questions that everyone must have about this will be answered in future chapters.

Omg she deserves the world. I just want to take her away and give her everything she wants, needs and more.

Aw! I know she would be secretly happy to hear that! Of course, Papa Terzin will be making sure she's well taken care of. (Grandpa Abaddon too)

just noticing that their names are the same but swapped

.... You know- I actually had no idea that the twin Beastkin names did that. I just liked the names.... Pfft. You guys are great! Plus it strangely suits them; don't ya think?


You and me both! To be honest- I already have the ending planned out for 'The Demon King said to call him Papa'; its just writing the middle that's taking me a while. I haven't quite decided on the number of chapters I will be writing this time though I have a goal of writing more chapters than 'How the Emperor Trapped a Witch' so we'll see how that goes.

And that's that! It was a lot of fun seeing how you all enjoy my book! Of course, there might be more questions that you all have so there might be another Q&A in our future- dependent on how many questions I see in the chapters to come.

Though, you all will have to let me know if you enjoy the Q&A's and want to see more.😊

As a special bonus: I'll be posting a few pictures of my dog Huxley for everyone to enjoy!🥰

Ps Chapter 16 will be posted in about an hour after the Q&A so everyone look forward to it!

Ps Chapter 16 will be posted in about an hour after the Q&A so everyone look forward to it!

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The Demon King said to call him PapaWhere stories live. Discover now