Chapter Twenty: Surprise!

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I could feel Aidan's arms carefully holding me up as they started to run: making sure I didn't fall.

The cool breeze was nice against my face but didn't last long when they suddenly stop, slowing down back into walking. There were voices that were talking quietly for a few moments before going silent.

Aidan's and Nadia's footsteps echoed a little on stone before he puts me down on something soft.

"Aidan?" I started to reach up to untie the cloth around my eyes. 

"Oh! Wait Princess!" His hands cover mine for a moment. "Wait for just a few more seconds okay?"

I lower my hands while sounds of shuffling and movement came from in front of me. My hands clenched together as a pit in my stomach slowly appears; I wasn't sure what was going on- but waiting seemed to make it worse since my eyes were still covered.

"Are you ready Princess?" Nadia's voice comes from behind me, her tone a little excited. 

"R-ready..?" I half answered and questioned as the cloth fell from my eyes.

I peeked a little before opening them wide as I saw Papa, Grandpa, Dr. Strom, Mimi and the other people I have seen around the castle standing before me with happy and excited expressions.

"SURPRISE!" They all say, causing me to jump a little.

I took in my surroundings as they waited for a response; seeing the table before me with fancy plates and flowers on a purple table cloth. A larger table was set off to the side with all sorts of food and snacks covering every inch. Smaller tables were spaced out that were a little taller than the table I was sitting at.

A large tree with purple leaves and a black trunk stood over the area with magic lights floating and lighting up everyone.

"S-surprise?" I couldn't help but stammer a little, the pit disappearing like it was never there.

"This is your celebration for becoming my daughter." Papa moves around the table and pats me on the head. "I do apologize that it is a bit late though."

I opened my mouth to speak but I couldn't form the words, no one has ever celebrated me before; not here or back there.

I met each person's eyes who all looked like they were holding their breath as they waited for me and I couldn't believe it.

Tears formed and started falling from my eyes while the bubbling feeling reappeared. Papa pulls me into his arms as I cried, his familiar pats comforting me.

"T-thank you..." I tried to stop the tears from falling as my lips lifted. "Thank y-you so m-much!"

"You do not have to thank us child." Grandpa chuckles, covering my hand with his and stopping me from rubbing my face. "This is something that should be obvious that we should do."

 "I know that your exact date of birth is unknown." Papa adds in as he gently puts me back on the chair. "But you are now Soraya de Rirgonath Gecaea; Princess of the Demon Kingdom."

His eyes meet mine.

"You no longer have to be shackled to your past. Your place is here."

Everyone knelt before me before lifting their heads up with serious looks on their faces.

"We vow to serve you with all our might Princess! Please accept our vow!"

I look at Papa and Grandpa who nod their head with smiles.

"I-i." I stop before clearing my throat, pushing down the small lump that appeared. "I will accept your vows."

I surprised even myself for not stuttering as they bowed once more before standing.

The Demon King said to call him PapaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz