Chapter 17: Six

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The soft sound of Rain's laughter drifted across the garden as Marcus walked down the length the following day. She had refused to remain indoors, claiming the fresh air and sunshine would make her heal better. He rather doubted the validity of the claim but didn't have the heart to deny her.

She sat at the garden table with Mr Russell from the Rose Agency. From Marcus's recollection, the man had always been quiet, but Rain had an ability to get anyone out of their shell, and the man was now smiling over his tea. They had better hope no one ever recruited her as an enemy spy because she'd have everyone spilling their darkest secrets in no time at all.

Claiming to have agency business to attend to—which was not untrue—he had avoided her most of the day, leaving her with Mr Russell. She looked up as he approached, a flash of something that could have been guilt crossing her face. It probably had not escaped her notice that he had withdrawn the previous night after her confessions. To hear it stated so plainly what she planned to do when free of him had been... Unpleasant.

She wanted to be rid of him so badly she would risk social ruin. He doubted there was anything he could do to change her mind if she cared that little for him. No amount of kisses would change that.

"Marcus." She smiled up at him.

Giving her a brief nod, he watched as the smile cooled. Mr Russell must have noticed too, as he stood and sketched a bow before retreating inside the house until his services would be needed again.

"Tea?" Rain asked.


They sat in silence as she prepared him a cup. He saw her wince a little as she leaned forward to hand it to him, so he moved across to take it from her.

"Do not overexert yourself," he admonished. "If you expect to heal with no stitches, you must be careful."

She nodded. Taking a sip of her own tea, she watched him over the rim of the cup. "Did you seek me out for a reason or simply to give Mr Russell a respite from my chattering?"

"It did not look as if Mr Russell minds your chattering." Rather, the opposite. He could not remember having seen Russell smile as much before this assignment.

"He is a lovely man. Did you know he has twin daughters?"

"I did not." The private affairs of his agents did not interest him much, as long as it had no bearing on their work. It was, perhaps, not the best way to conduct business, but it worked for him. He was much more interested in the case files and accounting books than anything else. Winter was the one who knew their agents by full name and all of their details. To him, it came easy.

"Violet and Poppy." She smiled. "They sound absolutely delightful."

"Do you not want children?" The question slipped out without thought, and she froze, her teacup halfway to her mouth.

"Pardon me?"

He cleared his throat. "Do you not want children?"

"I did." Her gaze would not meet his as she put her cup down and stared into it. "But now I don't know."

Because she was married to him. She didn't want to have his children. He took a gulp of his tea and grimaced as it was still too hot. Pushing the teacup away, he tried to think of something to say, but no words came to him. At least none he wanted to voice aloud.

"I received a message from Winter," he said, changing the subject.


"He is travelling to your sister's estate in Devon to investigate some leads. Your sister is joining him."

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