Chapter 25: Stay With Me (Part 1)

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Rain worried her lower lip with her teeth as she listened to the sound of Marcus settling into the tub on the other side of the privacy screen. Rather than make the servants drag his massive copper tub from his bedchamber to hers, they had opted to have the bath in his. She hadn't been in this room since their wedding night, but the anticipation building held at bay any painful memories as she heard the water splashing.

The room had not changed in two years. It was still the same thick mahogany furniture; the massive four-poster bed, a washstand with a porcelain bowl, a large writing desk—naturally, it was Marcus's room after all—and a couple of comfortable chairs by a small table with a chess set on it. The walls were cream and a deep blue, matched by most of the fabrics in the room, broken only by a few splashes of golden yellow. And then there was the large privacy screen hiding the bathtub.

"Rain?" Marcus's dark voice came from the other side of the screen, refocusing her scattered thoughts. "Are you joining me?"

She stared at the screen while running her thumbs nervously over the tips of her nails. He was naked back there. She swallowed. Was she ready for this?

"In a moment." Her voice was a little more of a squeak than she would have liked. Not that she didn't want to take a bath with him. It just felt like such a big step. They would both be naked. At the same time. Together. She swallowed. Marcus would never take advantage of the situation, she knew that. She trusted him to keep his vow not to consummate their marriage. Unless she asked him to. Then all bets were off. And she wasn't sure if she wanted to ask.

Stripping out of her last piece of clothing; a chemise, she took a shuddering breath before walking around the screen. Marcus had seen her naked the previous night, but that didn't make her feel any less self-conscious as she padded over to the copper tub, her arms across her chest. He looked relaxed, leaning back against it, his arms resting along the rim as his eyes followed her approach. Two oil lamps on wall sconces lit the area, their flickering light showing off the wide expanse of his shoulders and muscular arms. His dark hair was damp, and drops of water glistened on his broad chest.

"Don't hide," he mumbled. "You're beautiful."

His hoarse compliment brought back her confidence, and she lowered her hands, watching as his eyes remained on her, taking in every inch of bared skin. Gathering her hair, she twisted it into a bun, which she secured at the top of her head with a large hairpin. Marcus's eyes didn't leave her for a moment. When she took the last two steps to the edge of the tub, he lifted a hand to assist her to step over the tall side. The water was comfortably hot without being scalding as she sat down in front of him with her back to him and his long legs on either side of her.

She almost forgot to breathe as they sat still for a moment, the inside of his thighs against her hips their only contact. Scooting back towards him was a little beyond what she had the nerve to do. That a very naked Marcus was right behind her was both exciting and terrifying.

"Are you all right?" he asked softly.

She nodded. "Yes, it's just..."

"Not something we're used to," he supplied helpfully when her words trailed off.

We're so naked.

"Yes, something like that."

She both felt and heard him moving slightly as he grabbed something from a stool next to the tub. A moment later, a wet flannel pressed against her back as he squeezed warm water out over her skin. She closed her eyes and leaned her head to the side as he continued washing her. His hands were firm but gentle as he moved the flannel across her back and shoulders, her neck and arms. The gentle ministrations made her relax, her breathing slowing down.

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