III. D-196

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I found myself in front of a nice looking house. It was white with pillars in front. The entrance was fancy and I couldn't help but wonder how a teacher was able to afford all this. Even if he was working at a private school now, the pay couldn't be THIS good. After all my Mum was a laywer and we weren't that rich either.
„It's quite far from school, isn't it?", I asked my Mum when I kept glancing around the parking lot in front of the house.
„Eito could take you to school you know", she replied.
„Not gonna happen", I said. I rolled my eyes and turned around as I heard a car approaching. They were here.

Last night had ended without any more happenings. We had just finished our dinner, talked about stuff nobody really cared about and I could tell that Daichi would have to face his angry Dad once they were alone.
Eito climbed out of the car, closing his jacket, smiling at my Mum.
I found myself waiting for Daichi to get out of the car and I had to admit I was somewhat excited when he did. He seemed different than the night before. He didn't look at me one single time eventhough I tried hard to make eye contact with him.
He slightly bowed in front of me and my Mum and then continued to look at the ground. I wondered what has happened that he behaved like this. I noticed Eito and my Mum exchange some glances. Something was definitely going on.

We entered the house. The lobby was nice and spacious. There was a set of white stairs leading up to a gallery.
„Your rooms are up there", my Mum said. „But maybe we should go and take a tour down here first", she added. However I was already on the way to the strairs.
„I'm gonna pick a room first", I said and grinned at her.
Eito quickly hurried to get in front of me and invited me to follow him. There were three doors in total. Two to the left of the corridor opposite from the entrance hall and one at the very end.
Daichi had followed us too. He still kept staring at the ground. It was weird seeing him so quiet. He wasn't his playful self and I didn't like it.
„I can choose whatever room I want?", I asked.
Eito nodded.
And so I walked down the corridor glancing into the two rooms I passed long the way. My Mum was standing on the stairs watching me.
I felt anxious because I didn't like the way everyone acted today. I was like I had missed out on something.
I eventually entered the room that was furthest from the stairs. It was a nice room with large windows and it was already fully furnished with a bed to the left, a desk and some shelfs as well as a built in closet. And there was another door. It was a bathroom.
I stuck my head into the corridor where Eito was talking to my Mum. I tried to make a noise or something to get Daichi's attention.
When he finally looked up at me I waved him over. He checked if our parents were paying attention, though they were busy talking about whatever - it seemed hectic.
Daichi walked over and as soon as he was in reach I pulled him inside the room.
„Are you okay?", I asked him with honest concern in my voice.
He looked down on me: „Sure", he went.
„Well that wasn't convincing", I replied.
Daichi was just standing in the middle of the room like a pretty statue.
„You know I do kinda notice that something is going on right? And I thought you and your Dad were practicing this 'let's talk about everything' thing?!"
A smile went over his lips.
„I mean I am just a nobody to you but I guess I'll be something like your sister from now on so..."
I saw him flinch when I said the word 'sister'... „you can talk to me if you want to."
Daichi sighed and looked around the room.
„You want to take this room?", he asked.
I nodded. „If that's okay with you", I added.
„Sure", he said and looked outside the window.
„Daichi?", I heard Eito yell from the corridor.
Daichi looked at me: „Good thing you didn't close the door or else he would freak."
I really wanted to know why but my Mum followed my Eito were already barging into the room.
„Sydney!", my Mum went.
„What?", I went. What was everyone's deal?
„I think we need to set some rules", my Mum went. Both her and Eito looked at me and Daichi. Daichi sighed. So he knew this would come.
„I don't want you two alone in a room with the door closed", she went.
I blinked at her in confusion. What?
„It wasn't planned that Daichi would be staying with us here in this house but as the situation has changed we need to adress this."
„Are you for real?", I chuckled. I didn't understand what this nonsense was suddenly about.
„I am for real, Sydney. I don't want you being distracted from your studies."
„Stop right there", I said. Hell I was angry.
Everyone looked at me now and I had their full attention.
„For starters, if you don't want me to be distracted from my studies, you should not come home from vacation with a new guy and his son - no offense", I said, the last part into Daichi's and Eito's direction. I saw a fine, amused sparkle inside Daichi's eyes.
I continued: „Furthermore you are moving us to a new place just in the beginning of the school year. This time is, as you know, crucial to get into all AP classes and I don't have time to deal with any of your stupid rules now. You came back with him, you decided we move in with them, without even asking me, without even giving me time to adapt to that idea. You again decided everything on your own and I didn't have a say in this. And I get it, you are the adult, I am the child. But guess what Mum, I am not a child anymore and you don't get to decide who I have in my room and who I don't. For once you don't get to decide because I draw the line right here and right now."
„Sydney...", she gasped.
„Are we clear?", I asked her.
„No!", she yelled. „The rules are as I said."
„Then I don't move in with you", I said and glared at her.
„Don't be ridiculous."
„You are the only one that's being ridiculous", I said and with that I walked out the door.
But my Mum grabbed my arm and held me back: „Okay, Sydney. Wait."
„No weird rules?", I asked her.
She sighed: „Fine."
„I wanna be alone now", I said. I waited for her and Eito to leave and wanted to close the door behind them.
„But,...", my Mum went.
„Mum, I won't get pregnant by closing the door", I said.
I sighed once I was alone with Daichi. He was still standing in front of the window.

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