Judges' Form!

242 15 32

The same rules apply.

▪Fill your as an inline comment beside the genre you plan to judge.

▫ Do not ghost the awards.

▪ Be committed, broadminded, professional, and objective. Writers are very sensitive of their works, so choose your words while critiquing and reviewing.




Genres you can judge:

Where can you be reached? (Discord/WhatsApp/Wattpad) :

Have you judged  books before? :

Password (GBA) :

Can you judge mature/LGBTQ+? :



Available slots

Romance (0/3)

Mystery/Thriller/Drama (0/3)

Short stories (0/3)

Vampires/Werewolves (0/3)

General fiction (0/3)

Teen fiction (0/3)

New adult (0/3)

Fantasy (0/3)

Fanfiction (0/3)

Horror/Paranormal (0/2)

Poetry (0/3)

GEMS BOOK AWARDS- JANUARY EDITION(JUDGING)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora