Poetry Batch A

38 4 6

We are deeply sorry for the delay.

The Judge complained some books weren't found. Do meet us for any complaints or observations.

Congratulations to the batch A winners!

Winners and participants please contact us for the your stickers and prizes.


AS IN A BARD'S DREAM by conquestofthesomnium

Title/Cover — 15/15
Blurb — 9/10
Grammar and Language 12/15
Writing style 13/15
Flow/rhythm 9/10
Originality 12/15
Overall enjoyment 9/10

                 - 79/90

Review: When I first read the blurb—howbeit short—for the book, it was apparent, that I was going to find in the pages that would unfurl a beauty poetry promises; As In A Bard's Dream did not disappoint on this. How fluidly the words flowed (there were grammatical errors at some places), painting images that forced the reader to pause and feel, before coming back to continue the journey that promised, is simply surreal. Bravo.

First place

THE ROSES YOU GAVE ME by JerzaNalu1441

Title/Cover — 12/15
Blurb — 0/10
Grammar and Language 12/15
Writing style 13/15
Flow/rhythm 5/10
Originality 13/15
Overall enjoyment 9/10
                   - 64/90

Review: The Roses You Gave Me is so poetically woven it flows freely between the tongue. There's this richness to it that isn't anticipated. Most of the literary works of today ends up with a “sad end" but The Roses You Gave Me didn't, and I'm impressed. The use of flowers was beautiful, unique and just amazing. Go through this once more, take out the typographical & grammatical errors in them, and you have with you a better poem.

Second place

Salut! Yahweh SHOULD HAVE BEEN MY NAME - verybean

Title/Cover — 10/15
Blurb — 0/10
Grammar and Language 10/15
Writing style 12/15
Flow/rhythm 7/10
Originality 10/15
Overall enjoyment 8/10

                         - 57/90

Review: It is true that there are many poets that have their poems written with little to no punctuation, but if you're to use punctuations in a poem, I'll advise you go all the way — or you avoid them entirely. There's no in between for them. I like the images you painted with this collection of poems, and the way you wrote them unconventionally is worthy of applause. Good job.

BEHIND CLOSED DOORS by HappierThanEver666

Title/Cover — 1/15
Blurb — 0/10
Grammar and Language 10/15
Writing style 11/15
Flow/rhythm 8/10
Originality 7/15
Overall enjoyment 7/10


Review: The last three poems had me in anticipation, wondering how it would end. I've seen it, and I'm not happy with it. I'm impressed by how it ends with a cliffhanger, leaving the readers to complete the tale with their imaginations, but I'm not happy I didn't get to know how her story ends. The use of repetition is present in most of the poems in this anthology and it didn't end up as a bother, someway. You should work on creating more poetically original lines. Most of the lines in the poem were either prosaic and original, or poetic and almost not original. Overall, this was great work. You managed to pull off what many find hard: telling a series of stories that are directly related through poetry.

THOSE UNSAID WORDS by wild_imaginator16

Title/Cover — 8 /15
Blurb — 3/10
Grammar and Language 10/15
Writing style 7/15
Flow/rhythm 3/10
Originality 4/15
Overall enjoyment 5/10


Review: This was  a good collection of works to go through. There was a lot of reference to nature and the weather (you must love nature, huh?) and at some point there was a line that called out so hard it was impossible to ignore.

However, the one thing I have against most poems in your anthology is restrain. It's like you're reaching for this well of words, but at the same time you're scared of diving in, scared of bringing out words you're not sure are yours, but that is what poetry is all about — doing things. Perhaps, in your next poems, let your mind wander, and keep the records, then you can edit later. Well-done.

Bạn đã đọc hết các phần đã được đăng tải.

⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Apr 19, 2022 ⏰

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