Chapter 2

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Falco has been in the air for three hours, and even if he wanted to keep going, his stamina is almost exhausted. The Beast/Jaw Titan returns drained with Captain Levi to the colossal form of the commander.“We should briefly discuss the situation with the Commander ,Grice. Is there any way you can land near him?” Falco's Titan lands on Commander Arlert's shoulder.
Falco is grateful to be able to take a short breath and the captain has apparently noticed his dwindling strength. Erens Jaeger's Titan has been standing still for a short while, Commander Arlert's Colossal Titan keeping him under strict control.
A treacherous silence and calm returns.

The young woman named Mikasa has been in Eren's Titan for what feels like an eternity, but it is probably only a few minutes.
Falco notices the captain's growing concern and nervousness and although Falco has only known him for a short time, the captain's strong concern for the young Eldier woman is as apparent as his own for Gabi. "Shit. It's been taking too long. What is that brat doing over there? Falco, get out of your Titan and take a break, but be ready to take off if you need to.” He instructs. “Commander, should I follow after Mikasa?"

The Colossal Titan gives his consent with a silent nod. He looks worriedly in the direction of the missing woman, Falco notes.
Falco is grateful for the short break and climbs out of his Titan, all the while making sure that he does not come into contact with the Colossal's hot flesh. “If I am not back with that gloomy brat in ten minutes, help the others with the fucking worm. We will have to take care of Eren alone if necessary.”
There is a noticeable desperation in the Captain’s voice as he says thesewords. Then, he looks at the Commander and Falco once more. “And stay alive. That’s an order!” And with that, he sets off with his 3DM gear in the direction of Eren Jaeger's Titan. "You too, Captain!" Falco calls after him, and he is amazed at the toughness of the captain for being capable enough to make such manoeuvres with his serious leg injury and worrying condition. He assumes that worry drives him to draw on his last reserves of strength.

Falco recalls that Colt, his older brother, and Commander Zeke Jaeger, as well as he and the other younger cadets, shortly before the attack in Liberio, once warned about which the Ackermanns should never engage in a fight. That was about 3 months ago now. Colt, Zofia and Udo were still alive there, Falco notes painfully, but neither of the Ackermanns are responsible for their deaths. He and Eren Jaeger have to bear this responsibility alone. If only he hadn't sent this unfortunate letter, maybe they'd all still be alive and Gabi wouldn't be in this terrible position. His thoughts float over to Gabi. He remembers her last look, both pleasing and fearful. Even while knowing he has a job to finish, he can’t shake his desperation and worry over her condition.

Will Gabi soon be one of those people who will only live on in his memories? He immediately suppresses this thought and looks in the direction where Reiner and the other titan warriors are trying to stop all the pure titans and buy them time here so that Erens Jaeger's crazy rumbeling can be stopped.
“Commander Arlert. What will become of Gabi and the other Eldiern now?” He asks with great fear and looks into the eyes of the Colossal and sees only a mixture of helplessness and despair that robs him of all hope. Then, the colors of the Commander's eyes change from sky blue to stone grey. Falco realises what is happening almost too late and just manages to get out of his titan. In seconds, his titan and that of the commander turn into pure rock.

Terrified, Falco moves away from his titan and tries on the one hand not to stay in contact with his Titan and on the other hand not to plunge into the depths. He accidentally comes into contact with the colossal, no reaction from burned flesh, but what he feels is only painfully cool stone. “Commander, are you all right?” Knowing full well that this question is completely superfluous. Because his titan and that of the commander turned to stone at almost at the same time, he has little hope for Reiner and the other warriors.
Nevertheless, he climbs in their direction onto the Colossal's shoulder, who, luckily, has such coarse muscle tissue that he can find a hold and ascend with ease. When he arrives, he tries to get an overview and sees a frighteningly calm scene.

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