27| Us

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Chapter 27: Us (Emilia's POV)

My fingers froze, hovering over my laptop keyboard when he shuffled beside me. 

I knew I should have done this at the coffee table. But when I tried getting out of bed, Adam wouldn't let me go. Plus, it's so goddamn late, if he wakes up now, he'll have a hard time going back to sleep. Actually, maybe not considering he'd be hungover. 

Once Adam fell asleep beside me, I couldn't no matter how hard I tried. I didn't want to toss and turn in case it woke him up so I just lay there, thinking about things. I thought about the conversation I had with Emma and aunt Janice. 

After that, Emma got up since her mom was calling her, reminding her to eat dinner. I wasn't hungry so I didn't eat and Adam was too drunk to tell it was dinner time. Aunt Janice continued talking to me. I told her practically everything that happened and after a while, Remy and Aspen decided to join us. When I couldn't talk about it any longer, Remy and Aspen filled in the blanks. And everybody gave me the same advice. 

"Are you going to hold it against him forever, Em?" Remy asked, lifting her brows. "I mean, he's trying to make up for it, isn't he? You're acting hot and cold. That's not fair." 

"I'm not acting hot and cold, I just don't know how to act around him." 

"Well, how do you feel around him?" Aspen questioned. 

While waiting for my answer, we all sat in silence. And in the still silence, I realized I liked him. I liked Adam. I loved him once and maybe I could again. But that didn't entitle me to have him. That's how it was in the past. I liked him but... My right person, our wrong time. 

"Happy," I mumbled, staring at my hands while I fidgeted with absolutely nothing. 

"You like him, don't you?" Aunt Janice asked me, a knowing look already displayed on her face. 

"Then stop fighting with him, Emilia," Remy said with a small shrug. 

"I..." I trailed off uselessly. 

"Think about it," Aspen began, "wouldn't you rather argue with him than laugh with anyone else?" 

"Anyone else like Brett," Remy added. "Can you really move on from him and act like you don't love him?" 

"It's not love," I reasoned. 

"But it's not nothing either," Aspen replied. 

"Em," Remy spoke again. "You told me this yourself. You knew you liked him when he made you nervous and your heart would beat faster when you saw him. And what did you tell me when you thought you loved him? Right before you two had that fallout?" 

I paused, thinking back to that day. "That I knew I loved him because I felt calmer with him than without him." 

"So tell me. How do you feel now? Nervous, right?" 

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