Nine: Wedding Day

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Today was it. March 15th. My wedding day. All five of my bridesmaids, and maid of honor, were dressed in glorious silky blue dresses that clung to the floor in an elegant manner, as I adjusted my wedding dress upon myself, looking into the mirror at how beautiful I truly looked. My hair was curled to perfection as it ran down my shoulders, my makeup done beautifully like I were some model, and my mind racing in all sorts of directions.

One way I was thinking, was about Liam and how he hadn't responded to my invite yet after I had gave it to him via mail. I was truly disappointed, for I wanted him to be here. Not only to move on, but to see how beautiful I looked and to smile at me like no one else in the world had ever smiled. But the other way I was thinking, was about Mason and how now finally I would be able to tell myself that it was all worth it. That the past me knew what she was doing...

"Auburn, it's starting!" I heard my maid of honor, Lori tell me, as she helped me over to stand in line with everyone else. It's starting? I thought to myself. But I haven't had enough time to think yet! I'm not done! I thought once more, almost wanting to cry if it wasn't for my dad who locked his arm around mine within that instance.

"Dad," I smiled, as I reached up to hug his tuxedoed self. He and I had always had a tight bond, one that I had remembered sadly broke away a bit after I had moved out to live with Mason. "Am I doing the right thing?" I asked him, as I looked in front of me to notice bridesmaids and groomsmen already locking hands and walking down the church aisle together like we had practiced earlier.

"If you think you are, you are," he responded, not helping one bit. Liam would of gave me much better advice. I thought to myself, as I clung onto my dad's arm tighter and limped my way up as the line started getting shorter. Violins I could hear, played softly in the big, stained glass church ahead of us that I was about to enter no longer than in a few minutes. Oh dear God, help me make the right choice. I prayed, as memories of being with Liam encased my mind...

"Let me down! Liam, my God! I'm too heavy, you'll kill us both!" I laughed, as he tightened his grip around me and kept walking up those stairs.

"Oh yeah, because 98 pounds is overweight!" he laughed along with me, as I nudged him in the chest with my hand.

"No, stop," I whispered to myself, as I tried to erase the memories and fill them with ones of Mason. As I tried, though, there weren't any that I could remember except for bad ones, ones that I was now going to get married with.

"Auburn, we are up!" I heard my dad say, as he adjusted his arm wrapped around mine and waited for the 'Here Comes The Bride' music to start playing on that same violin. Once it did, my mind burst into a thousand particles and though I started walking, I didn't know where I was going. Memories of the crash hit me like a stone, sending me back thousands of miles from everyone else that I knew now rising for me: the bride.

I was back at that lake with Mason, his hands wrapped around my small body...

"I love you," I told him, nuzzling into his chest. He squeezed me in his arms from my response, but without saying anything more, let me go and walked on closer to the lake which we stood before.

I remember not getting a response back right away, which made me mad because I was hoping what I thought about him was false. Apparently not, though, for he had to leave again for work, like he always did...

"Bye!" I smiled back, as I watched him drive off into the golden setting sun.

I remember my anger, my sadness, and the excitement that came with it as well; knowing I was going to bust him for what he had done. I had hopped in my car, not understanding that I was going way too fast on those snowy roads. I just couldn't wait any more, I had to catch him. I had to catch him doing what I knew he had been all along: cheating on me.

"And to think he was going to go through with the marriage!"

I remember shouting, over and over again. I'm going through with the marriage. I thought to myself, as I flung back into reality to notice my dad and I still slowly walking down the aisle, almost meeting Mason standing there in his black tuxedo waiting by the priest. I'm going through with the marriage! I thought once more, making me realize what mistake I was making!

That memory had reminded me what I was doing before the crash, why I was doing it, and everything in between! I couldn't go through with this marriage, not in a million years after I had just remembered...he was cheating on me! That's why he was always gone, that's why he had to work so late. Maybe even those groceries I had bought were for one of his 'dates', not a stupid business party!

"I love you, Auburn," I heard my dad say, as he kissed me on the cheek and handed me over to Mason. Wait what? We are already here! I frantically thought, as Mason grabbed a hold of my shaking hand and pulled me over to stand in front of the priest.

"You may all please sit," the priest said, as he situated the book he held in his hand and coughed a few times. No, no! Don't sit, help me! What am I doing? I thought, looking over to Mason as he smiled at me. Don't you dare smile at me! I thought again, before suddenly returning into the memory I had before...

The snow fell down heavier in what seemed like a blizzard, making it almost impossible to see.

I remember driving, driving much faster than before now...

I slammed on my brakes to hit the right turn.

The pain, I can feel it coming, creeping up on me.

"Weddings symbolize love and the love we see today is not like others. The love held today is a gift from the Lord, a gift that cannot be broken or torn," the priest was continuing to speak, making me frantically search around the room for anyone to notice my panic.

Am I going insane? I thought, as I noticed not one face out there in the audience, of what had to of been ninety, looked concerned. Once I scanned the back of the church, however, I noticed someone in a white shirt and black slacks leaning up against the wall. Liam? I wondered, as I scanned his face more and noticed that it really was him!

The car brakes locked up horrifyingly. I spun around and around. My head, aching with each turn the car made before it flipped into that curb and I was done.

"No, I can't do this! I can't marry you!" I yelled, as I broke out of my memory and rushed back down the aisle, my broken leg causing many troubles with it all.

I tumbled around the car from forgetting to buckle myself in. Windows bashed in violently, as my body hit up against them; sending me crashing through and out onto the cold, fallen snow.

"Stop, stop, stop! Stop remembering now!" I told myself, as I pushed my way out of the church and collapsed myself into Liam, who had rushed out as well, to see what was wrong apparently.

Everything went silent then, as the car came to a stop in the middle of the deep curb beside me and I blacked out completely...

~~AHHH I love this chapter! I hope it's good! This is definitely not the end so look forward to more updates! Thanks!~~

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