A Child is Born

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Bellatrix Lestrange was in her cell, screaming. This wasn't uncommon for Azkaban so no one gave it a second thought.

The reason for her screaming was unusual though. She was giving birth. The only person who knew was also the only person she trusted in this hole. Alecto Carrow; Fellow Death Eater and servant of the Dark Lord. She certainly didn't want her husband, that pitiful worm Rodolphus, knowing about this child. Why would she want him to know? It wasn't his.

She married him shortly after finishing Hogwarts, in an arranged marriage, as was custom with purebloods. They shared the same ideology, and they shared their devotion to the Dark Lord, but that was all they shared. It was a cold and hostile marriage. Like any good pure blood marriage should be her mother used to tell her.

No this child belonged to the only man she ever loved. He was the most powerful man she'd ever known, with the exception of the Dark Lord himself. Wagnard Deimos. They were both Death Eaters, and had been engaged in an affair for five years. Her husband was well aware of it, but the snivelling coward wouldn't dare confront a wizard of Deimos's power. He had wooed her over 'fun runs' they had together. They would go to a muggle village and see who could kill the most muggle scum in an hour. Oh those were good times.

They had both been arrested after they tortured the filthy blood-traitor Longbottoms into insanity, trying to learn about Dumbledore's pathetic Order. The Ministry had tracked them down to an abandoned muggle barn.

Bellatrix had been subdued quickly, she was five months pregnant at that point. Not him though. She watched, petrified and helpless, as that brave man fought heroically against the auror scum. He killed 15 before he was bested, and it took a dozen at once to subdue him. They had been sent to Azkaban without trial and the filthy blood traitors allowed him to have the Dementor's kiss. His empty shell perished no more than a month after.

"One more push Bella, the heads almost out".

With a final grunted scream the baby was out and crying quietly. 1st July 1980.

"Bella he's a boy, big and strong like his father and hardly any crying. That will do him well here".

She handed Bellatrix her son and she looked down at him. This child was a gift. A gift from her love to carry on his legacy. She would raise him in secret and teach him all that she knew.

It was only four months later that the news reached them that the Dark Lord had been destroyed by the Potter's filthy halfblood offspring. Bellatrix knew though, that he would return.

She looked down at the baby who was suckling at her breast. He would be his fathers son. She would train him to be a weapon for the Dark Lord when he returned. In this child she would pour all of his fathers malice, his hatred and his desire to dominate all life. She finally decided on a name.

"Y/N. Y/N Deimos" she said at her son proudly and cackled. In time Y/N Deimos would be a name the whole Wizarding World would fear.

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