Actions have Ramifications

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Y/N woke up groggily in a bed. He had little recollection of what had happened and why he was here. The last thing he remembered was.... breakfast.

His head pounded too bad to try and remember anything else.

"Ah you're awake?" The kindly nurse said smiling at Y/N.

"Two days you've been out. Had a few visitors as well. Right worried they were!"

"I had visitors?" Y/N asks shocked.

"Yes. There was the Longbottom boy, he was quite concerned, along with the Weasley twins they came twice. McGonagall and Dumbledore of course and how could I forget that Gryffindor girl barely left your side apart from when I made her. What was her name?"

"Y/N you're awake"

A girl called out and rushed over hugging him tightly. Y/N was beyond shocked.


"Oh I've been ever so worried about you Y/N. I'm so glad you're ok. How do you feel?"

Pansy spoke so quick Y/N had trouble understanding her.

"I've got a splitting headache" He said holding his hand to his head and noticing the bandages for the first time.

"What happened?" he asked.

"You don't remember?" Pansy asked shocked.

"That's a concussion for you". The nurse said unwrapping the bandage before looking at the back of Y/N's head.

"Nicely healed, drink this and you can go to dinner". She handed him a potion which he eyed warily.

"It's a pain killing potion Mr. Deimos that's all. If I wanted to finish you off I would have done it the last two days while you were unconscious". The nurse chuckled as he swallowed it down.

Y/N tried to stand up but was woozy.

"Here take my arm I've got you" Pansy gushed grabbing hold of Y/N in a death grip and not letting go.

Y/N reluctantly grabbed hold of Pansy as they started walking out of the infirmary and into the great hall.

"So what do you remember Y/N?" Pansy said warmly, watching out for any potential obstacles.

"I remember having breakfast and an argument with Weasel but that's it".

"He pulled your collar back really hard, you smashed your head into the ground and you were cut really bad. You got up and punched him before you fell over and sort of blacked out".

"Sounds like me. Why are you so worried though?" Y/N asked, truly unsure about Pansy's motives.

"I like you Y/N I told you. We're a lot alike. Both our parents were supporters of you know who, both of us were put into Gryffindor, both of us don't have any friends".

"Hey I have friends. Well a friend. Have you spoken to Neville at all?"

Pansy shook her head. "I've been trying to keep to myself, all the Slytherins have been giving me dirty looks so I try to hide in my dorm as much as possible".

"Well I'll introduce you to Neville. He's a really nice guy. Timid, but nice".

They reached the great hall and all the voices that were talking in a quiet mumble stopped suddenly.

"Every fucking time I walk in a room" Y/N grumbled as Pansy helped him to the end of the table. She sat next to him as Neville came rushing over and sat opposite them.

"Y/N good to see you up I was dead worried about you."

"Thanks Nev, the potions kicking in so I'm fine now. Hey have you met Pansy before?" Y/N asked motioning to the girl who was sitting with her head down.

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