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Y/N enjoyed his detention. He sat happily talking with Hagrid for the hour before he looked at the time.

"I better go Hagrid, I have to go to the infirmary and get this fixed" he said pointing at his nose "before curfew or I'll be in even more trouble".

"No worries Y/N, it was good to meet ya. I'll see you tomorrow night".

Y/N said his goodbyes and left stopping about ten feet from Hagrid's door. He got the distinct feeling someone, or something, was watching him from the Forbidden Forest. He scanned the Forest with his eyes but couldn't see anything so he turned and walked towards the castle.

Madam Pomfrey was a nice, but firm, middle aged witch.

She fixed Y/N's nose with a quick episkey, before quizzing him on how it happened. Y/N said he tripped but refused to expand on more than that. He walked towards the Gryffindor common room but stopped as he saw the bully walk into a bathroom by himself.

Y/N smiled, perhaps sadistically, and followed him in. He stood waiting as the older teen used a cubicle. He flushed and exited before stopping suddenly, seeing Y/N pointing his wand right at him.

He reached for his wand but fumbled.


The half held wand flew out of the bullies hand and into Y/N's who then pointed it at him.

"What's your name?" He asked the bully.

"Ea-Eamon Mc-McLaggen"

"You related to Tiberius?"

"He's my uncle"

"Makes sense he's a prick too"

The bully was now standing there without a wand, terrified. Y/N stared at him with no expression.....

Suddenly he fired a barrage of curses and hexes at McLaggen who fell to the floor in tears.

He was laying in the fetal position. His skin was bright green, he had no hair, painful spikes erupted from the back of his hands and huge pus filled boils covered his skin and were periodically erupting.

Tears streamed down his face as Y/N approached him, still emotionless.

"Think it was smart to piss off a Deimos? One last thing...."


Y/N dropped McLaggen's wand next to him and silently left the bathroom. He ran to the fifth floor corridor and found just the painting he was looking for. He smiled.

Y/N woke early and dressed, heading down to the common room. Only Granger was in there again. Once again she looked up before looking down in obvious fear at her book. Y/N felt extremely frustrated with this but didn't know why. He didn't care when others feared him, why did it bother him so much when she did?

He tried to shake it off as he left the common room and headed down to breakfast.

He was sat at the far end of the table alone, until Neville came in and joined him.

"Hi Y/N" he smiled cheerfully.

"Hi Nev. Sleep well?"

"Yeah I did thanks"

They chatted as they ate, far more than Y/N was used to talking when suddenly the Irish kid from their dorm (Seamus or Guinness or something- Y/N didn't pay much attention to these bleating sheep) came running in. He yelled to the other first years who were sat a few seats down from Y/N and Neville.

"Eamon McLaggen has been attacked. They reckon he was lying in the toilet all night crying."

The group of first years all turned and looked at Y/N as one. Y/N raised an eyebrow.

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