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After some hill trudging accompanied by incredibly awkward silence... Huffman tells us to rest for a while and set up camp for the few days we'll be here. You'd be lying if you said you weren't tired, the long caravan ride with only a small plate of food for breakfast, and the anxiety episode earlier didn't help either.

You rub your eyes reaching for the canteen hanging off your bag listening in to conversations around you. Not too far into the afternoon so it's too early to sleep... Maybe you should go make some friends.

And that's when you hear it.

First it comes as one or two distant mumblings, thinking nothing of it. But then your instructors stand up a little too fast, swords in hand... It's really happening.

You stand slowly, setting the bottle down on the log you'd used as a seat.

And that's when you see it.

Three hillichurls and two shielded mitachurls trying to sneak up to your camp, an ambush.

Your stomach flips, the once calm rustling of grass is now the sound of imminent danger. Your few classmates frenzy into a panic and you're left frozen with fear...

So this is Knightship.

A few seconds pass, orders and yelling become silenced from the pounding of your heart in your head.. No... You can't die today. Sure this might be more than your squadron can handle but real Knights are here and you have to help them.

It takes you a minute to adjust to the reality of this all, running into a real battle alongside your makeshift squadron fills your head with some sort of rush. Running as fast as your legs could carry you, you raise your sword to the first hillichurl.

You and two other teammates hack away at the hillichurls while Captain Kaeya, Huffman and the older students take on the mitachurls. The sound of ice crystals eroding the shields becomes exhilarating, you look away only for a second to admire the scene before you.

Soon finding out that was a huge mistake, the hillichurls successfully separated you three from the leaders... anxiety bubbles up in your chest and-

A hillichurl raises it's club and you're soon met with a sharp pain to your rib, pausing in a panic it strikes again this time knocking your sword away as you fall to the grass below.

"Get up!"

But it's too late, the grass soon becomes a checkerboard of black and green and all you can hear again your heart in your head.

On the other side of the field, Kaeya, takes great joy in taking down his second mitachurl of the day. Too lusted for blood he couldn't hear Huffman's alert for their students until he saw the scene for himself.

What a bother.

The first thing you notice is the sound of arguing. Grunting at the throbbing pain in your head, your eyes take a second to adjust. Acting Grand Master Jean, Captain Kaeya and Huffman across the room, Deaconess Barbara in your face...

"N-no, don't sit up!"

That unfortunately grabs the Acting Grand Master's attention and comes to check over you.

Captain Kaeya and Huffman stay put only staring in silence.

Jean speaks angrily, "I knew trainee expeditions were a bad idea. We've already had nineteen students sent to the Cathedral infirmary but I did not expect students coming in from you two."

Huffman only hangs his head in regret, Captain Kaeya's gaze doesn't falter.

Your hearing is still a little fuzzy but you swear you hear Jean apologizing under her breath, all you can do is squint still being completely out of it.

Captain | Kaeya x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now