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It'd been a week and a half of sorting through reconnaissance reports for small matters like the treasure hoarders getting too ballsy or few hillichurl groups gathering about. Though, there were a few instances where Kaeya would pull a folder or two away from the stack teasing a, "For my eyes only..." whatever that meant, but you just chalk it up to privacy matters.

Well... Okay... maybe it wasn't too boring. The papers you had to sort through actually made for some pretty interesting stories! The Chief Alchemist's lab reports about experimentation on slimes and their medicinal properties, the Fatui's odd behavior at the Goth Grand Hotel, and even some Hillichurls' odd worship of these strange star symbols...though Kaeya didn't let you finish reading that one.

But to be honest, the most fun part about this internship would have to be the amount of time you get to spend next to The Cavalry Captain. Sure he's a jerk but this definitely earns you major brownie points in your squadron's metaphorical popularity contest.

You take a minute to thank the Hillichurls who folded you for the blessings they'd caused... sweet, sweet reputation...

Spinning the quill pen between your fingers, you scan over a few signature slots waiting for Kaeya to return, you can't sign for him after all. As you're about to move onto the next sheet, the door clicks open and Kaeya strides in, speak of the devil.

One minute you hate him, one minute you can't help but love him, or at least love the idea of him.

He screams mystery, whether it be the charming personality that you can't quite pin down as real or fake, or the way he seems to have the high ground for every situation regardless of context. He's just an odd guy, it's intriguing but also sort of infuriating... Maybe it's just his confidence?

You stand to address him – as a squire should.

"Captain Ka-"

"Ah-ah, don't wanna hear it today." He cuts you off placing a steaming mug of coffee down next to your work.

You blink and sit back down trying to project yourself as distant and uncaring, though you know for a fact he could probably see right through it and you actually did care about what he thought, a little support from your temporary teacher would be nice but a silent protest was worth a shot.

"Why the a long face?" he says sarcastically, stirring sugar into his own cup.

"There's some stuff here you need to sign, Captain."

"Who?" he says, his eye owlish pausing his sip.

"Uh-... You?" Knowing this was another one of his attempts at playing metaphorical cat and mouse over the word Captain, you figure your best bet is to play innocent student. It's hard to avoid using the honorific – saying Kaeya outright just feels way too formal, the idea of using just that is enough to give him another upper hand and that's something neither of you need right now.

You instead take note to ask around about what he's got against a damn word later, but until then it's paperwork time.

He huffs a little laugh to himself and stands coming to join you in viewing the papers.

"Whatever, what're you showing me?"

You spread out a few sheets, "Convoy for horse tack to send for Varka and his squadron... Mess Hall inquiries..." His hand braces his lean over your chair, it's hard to miss but even harder to ignore. He stays quiet as you list off what the documents contain, all things that aren't of much importance but it's nice to keep him standing here for a little while.

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