{Chapter 9}

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[Dream's POV]

The weathered spruce-wood houses of new L'Manberg passed by all too quickly. I was dreading the nearing moment when I would have to stand in front of the server members and reveal to them what I had hidden for so long.

Finally, the small announcement area came into view. I could hear it long before the microphone and upper seats came into view, the collective murmurs of Where is he? What's this about? Is something wrong? And over it all, Tommy's brash squawking, attempting vainly to hush the impatient people.

I hesitated but Phil's firm grip kept me in check, dragging me further towards the moment that would undoubtedly change my life.

Finally, the seats came into view.

"I can't do this," I whispered. "They can't find out, it's my weakness," I couldn't make sense of my jumbled thoughts. I peeked around the curtains at the waiting people and reviewed my plan. Enter, remove mask, talk to them. Remember, they're not your enemies. Easier said than done.

"Ready?" Phil asked, startling me out of my thoughts once again. I swallowed painfully and nodded, unable to mask the fear in my glowing eyes. My customary mask concealed my scales and fangs, and my hood helped obscure my horns, but my claws and wings were far harder to cover. Phil had taken one of my many green hoodies and cut out a couple of sections from the back, a practice he specialised in, so my wings wouldn't cramp anymore.

Phil smiled reassuringly and took my arm. I grimaced as I felt scales grind together and had to work not to growl at the unpleasant sensation. I knew it was likely something I would have to get used to. I felt the material under my leathery feet change from forgiving grass to rough spruce wood. Phil gave me a final quick grin and pushed me onto the stage.


I heard gasps as I walked onto the stage, turning to meet the eyes of... well, everyone. The looks I saw were primarily of surprise, though there were a fair few looks of hostility as well. I looked to the back to spot Tommy, gesturing wildly with an encouraging grin plastered on his pale face. I took a deep breath; and began.

"I am Dream, I have no hybrid, I am the owner of this server. As you can see, one of these statements is untrue." I fanned my wings slightly to prove my point. "As you all know, when I began this server, I banned the End. Some believed it was purely to prevent any one server member from gaining too much power, and while this is true, it was also for my own safety.

"I am an Ender dragon hybrid, the Ender dragon hybrid, and if the dragon dies, I will too. I've never done a face reveal openly before, but now I think you deserve to see me." I pulled down my hood, revealing my sandy blonde hair and twisting horns, before carefully undoing the clasp and allowing my mask that has protected me for so long to fall, bouncing on the floor with a small noise. I raised my head, staring each and every server member in the eyes as I had never done before. I saw yet more shock as they beheld my shining eyes and scale-plated cheeks. I stood awkwardly, waiting for a reaction, any reaction.

Suddenly, Karl stood up and started clapping, his fluffy tail swishing behind him. Eyes turned to him, but he stared me in the eyes, holding my gaze even as more people began clapping. I felt tears well up in my eyes as I saw everyone's accepting looks and smiles. I felt George walk onstage and wrap his arms around me, a look of pure joy on his face.

"You did it Dream," he whispered to me. "You did it."

"I did it."


I sagged back into the soft red cushions on the sofa in Kinoko Kingdom, feeling the couch dip as George took a seat next to me. I looked across at Karl and Sapnap, who were sat the other side of the small coffee table. I huffed softly, exhausted from the day's shenanigans. All I wanted was to find a soft bed and sleep for a year. Sapnap chuckled as my eyelids drooped. George was sat on my wing, but I couldn't find the energy to push him off at that moment.

"Congratulations Dream," Karl said, watching the text on his chat band fly by with supportive messages. I huffed in response, too tired to formulate a worded reply.

"Yeah Dream, everyone seems pretty cool with you to be honest," George chipped in, shifting on the sofa slightly. I twitched my wing as he sat on a joint, bending the fragile bones precariously, but he seemed not to notice.

After the announcement, we had held a short question/answer session so people could feel more 'at ease' with me and my hybrid. The result was an hour of relentless questions I wasn't prepared to answer, such as why I hid my hybrid, or ones I simply couldn't answer, like why my hybrid was the dragon. My eyelids flickered again, hanging heavily over my vibrant eyes. George finally seemed to catch on to my exhaustion, patting my shoulder awkwardly before getting up, mercifully releasing my wing, and announcing he was going to bed.

Karl chuckled and directed him to a room, but Sapnap clutched at his heart in mock offence.

"This isn't your home, y'know," Sapnap grumbled. "You didn't build this place."

"Neither did you," I pointed out, raising my head slightly. "Foolish did."

Sapnap ignored me, pressing a quick kiss to Karl's forehead before getting up and going to the kitchen.

I sighed, more than ready to turn in and sleep without the burden of such a big secret, but first there was something I had to do.

"I'll probably turn in as well, if that's alright with you?" I asked Karl. He nodded, gracing me with yet another supportive smile.

"Sure, you know where to go?" I nodded. "Well done for today as well. Not everyone would have the guts to reveal themselves like that." I smiled back weakly back at him before turning and making my way along the homey corridors.

Finally I reached the small room I had stayed in previously. I fell back on the soft sheets with a groan. All I wanted to do was close my eyes and forget the stress of the day, but I still had something I needed to do.

I opened my chat band, pulling up Tommy's tag quickly and sending a brief whisper.

Lmao i kinda low-key hate this chapter but idk wat else to write, bcause i did need to put it in so y'know.

Guess who forgot Karl was a wolf.

Anyways! Couple of things;

There are likely only gonna be two more chapters or so and an epilogue, so almost over ;-; i have most of the next chapter written so hopefully it wont be as long a wait as this one was.

Alsoo... 2K!! :DD

Shoutouts to Mollyloveyourself and little_cofee3  Thanks for the support you guys, glad you like the story!

I'd do more shoutouts but theres just so many of you ;-; if u want a shoutout comment tho and im happy to oblige!

But for now...




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