Cause You're Worth It

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Hello lovely readers sooo for the looong wait!!! Have some free time finally!!! Soo i won't wait any longer!!! OH AND BEWARE THERE IS SEXUAL CONTENT!!! I warned yall!!


Sam stood there fighting his wolf. Growling, struggling to get closer to me. I whimpered watching him struggle. Feeling this burning desire in me. Everything felt alive and on fire. I could feel his eyes roam over my body. I sighed out with longing for him.

"Alex?" Sam grutted out. "What is going on?" His voice was strained with the struggle of power he was having with his wolf.

"Heat." I whimpered out to him. I couldn't stop my self as my hands began to roam across my body. Imagining my hands as Sam's. Moaning out at the feel of my skin. Everything was so sensitive. I heard him growl out as his wolf took control. I could feel Athena howling to be let out.

Opening my eyes I saw Sam stalking towards me. His essence screamed power. Sexuality radiated from him. I gulped loving this feeling of his eyes on me. He was a predator and i was his prey. I rooled on the bed feeling the sheets caress my skin. It felt like air on my hot burning skin. Never taking my eyes off Sam. Finally after what seems like forever he reached the bed. Crouching down i saw Sam take a deep breathe. Breathing in my scent. Openig his eyes i knew Sam was gonend his wolf was in control. Yellow eyes were staring back at me. Crawling on to the bed he began to growl. Sending chills across my skin and tingles straight to my core. As he neared me he bent his head to my legs breathing me in. Rubbing his face against my legs. Dragging his face upwards towards my thighs. Everywhere his face touched seemed to cool me down only for what seemed like a milisecond. Drawing closer to my womanhood he stopped. Drawing in the biggest breathe he could he pushed himself towards my face. Placing his hands on either side of my face he made me look at him.

"I. Will. Take. Care. Of. You." Sam struggled even more to say something.

I nodded my head not really caring what he was saying. Only the fact his touch brought my burning skin to ease. Sam leaned took a shaky breath as he brought his lips to mine. If i thought everything was burning before than i have officially entered hell. His lips was my slavation but yet my damnation. I felt his lips moving across mine. All to eager i kissed him back. Growling in the back of his throat i felt the vibrations in my chest. Throwing my hands around his neck i brought him closer to me. Sam was kissing me slowly. I didn't need slow. I don't know what i need but this was not it. Growling i pulled his hair. Earning a growl him him as he grabbed my hands and held them above my head. I could feel Athena growling out in approval of our Alpha. Smiling in the kiss i nipped at his lip. Sam let out a low growl. Pulling back he chuckled.

"Eager are we kitten?" Sam's voice was deep and raspy. Before i could say anything his lips locked onto my neck kissig and nipping up and down my neck. His one hand holding my hands while his other hand began to roam down my collarbone towards my chest. I arched into his touch as he reached my breast. His hand cupped my breast. Gently squeezing i tried arching further into his hand. Growling he pulled back. Grabbing my shirt in one hand he ripped the shirt into shreds. I gasped out as the cold air rushed my eager burning skin. Without waiting a second longer he went back to attacking my neck. His second hand went back to squeezing my breast. Still not happy he pushed the bra up my chest. Now his bare hand rest on my bare breast. My nipple was erect. Straining to be touched. Sam left my neck to pull back and look at me. Leaning down he kept his eyes on me as he kissed my breast teasing me. Oh but the feel of his tognue on my skin was like nothing i have ever felt before. I felt myself becoming wetter as he latched on to my nipple. I moaned out with pleasure as he suck and nipped at me. Struggling to get my hands lose he finally let them go. I threw them into his hair. Pulling on his hair. I could hear myself moaning louder. I could feel Sams hands running across my body leaving goosebumps in their wake.

"Sam!" I moaned out. "Oh god Sam!" I cried out. I felt to sensitive.

"No not yet." He said as he kissed down my stomach nipping at my hips. I whimpered at the loss of his warm mouth on my breast. My whimpering stopped as i felt him pull down my pj pants. I lefted my head to look at him. Confused as i saw him smiling back at me. Not only did my pants go but apparently same with my underwear. I was bare to him. Instantly i wanted to cover myself. Only to be stopped by Sam's hands.

"No beautiful. Mate beautiful." He grunted out to me. I melted at his words as i dropped my arms. "May I?" He said. I looked at him confused. As he smiled and leaned in. I sucked in a breathe as i felt his tongue push through my folds. Meeting that most sensitive part of me. I moaned out at the feel of him licking at me.

"Oh god!!" I cried out as Sam quickened his licks. I could feel a tension building in my lower stomach. Butterflies filling my stomach. "Sam i..i-i need.." I couldn't finish my sentence as a moan escaped my mouth.

He stopped his licking pulling slightly back. "What do you need kitten?" Sam's voice was thick with his asrousal.

To be honest i didn't know what i needed. I just know i need him to do it. "I need you. I need you to do something!!" I cried out as i began to whimper and squrim against his mouth. Placing one last kiss to my core he leaned back. Licking his lips he pulled his shirt off, then reaching down he pushed down his sweat pants. I nearly chocked at seeing his size. How was i suppose to fit that in me? Sam could tell i was nervous as he leaned back down and started his torture with his tongue once again. My worries and fears were soon forgotten as the pleasure exploded in my head. The tension began to build again and the need was back again soon.

"Sam!!" I screamed out for him.

Pulling back he positioned his self at my enterance. Rubbing his member up and down my slick folds. Then he began to push into me. Tears began to form in my eyes as the pain set in.

"Shh darling. Beautiful look at me. Look at me forget the pain. Just focus on me." Sam struggled with the words. I nodded my head as the tears cleared. Looking at him i saw the love he felt for me. The lust he, we were consumed with. With that the pain began to fade as the pleasure set in. He began a slow thrust in and out letting me get used to him.

Hope this is enough for yall!! I have to go to work!! Comment vote and share!!!

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