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My mother always used to say that there are some people in life that you just click with, and when you find them, you should never let them go. I suppose it's a bit like a priceless antique or a hand-me-down from so many generations past.

I thought that person was Bruno. For so many wasted years I held onto him, hoping, and praying he would see the light and see me. But he didn't. Our friendship was all a waste; my hopes and dreams were all a waste.

But now I see it. Even with my eyes closing and sleep trying to take over, I see it on this cold, green and grey train. It's Wyatt that my mum was talking about. Well, not him specifically, but he fits her definition. Wyatt is one of those people who I click with and shouldn't let go.

"Hey, Lily, don't fall asleep on me now, we've made it this far," he says gently. He nudges me a little.

"But you're so comfortable," I retort. He nudges me again, and a laugh erupts from his mouth. I reluctantly move my head from his chest and sit properly.

"I think that's a compliment. I'll take it as one anyway," Wyatt jokes.

The music is still playing, albeit quieter now. The doors ahead of us slide open, and a man in the white and bottle-green uniform of the train company walks through with two plastic coffee cups.

"Your coffees," the guy says, putting the drinks in front of us. "Sorry to have woken you, Miss."

"Thank you," Wyatt says. The guy nods, smiles and walks away. The lack of communication on the situation is palpable and oh-so-telling.

"Did I fall asleep?"

He chuckles ever so slightly, just enough for his dimples to show. "You dozed for about ten minutes. One of the workers walked past, so I ordered some coffees. There's still no word on what's happening out there. When I asked, all they said was that they're waiting for news themselves. It's nearly two in the morning."

I groan. "We should be in Wales by now."

He turns the music up a little. It's still Christmas music. "You know, if we're here till breakfast, I have croissants and French wine in my bag, among other food. Christmas Eve special?"

I glance at him and my lips curve into a wide grin. "You didn't tell me that before? We could've got even drunker, you absolute idiot!"

"We don't know how long we'll be here, Lily. Did your parents not teach you about pacing yourself?"

His eyes sparkle at me just as Stay Another Day by East 17 kicks in on his phone.

"I love this song!" I exclaim.

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