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Crossroads are strange things. They give you four options, well, three if you don't include the one you enter on, and each have their pros and cons. Unless you know the part of town, you don't know where the roads go, what you'll see down each path, where your destination will be.

As we edge ever closer to Cardiff, I can see the crossroads in front of me becoming clearer. Well, the metaphorical crossroads anyway. There aren't many on a railway track, I guess. I've been invited to spend Christmas with Wyatt's family, despite not knowing them. The thought somewhat makes me shake like a leaf on the ground in a storm, but it also makes me warm inside like spring because I escaped what was going to be my Christmas.

"So... my dad offered to pick us both up from the station, so we can both go to the hospital. But... honestly, Lily, you don't need to come to visit Rose. She's not your sister, she will get it." He lets out a tiny awkward chuckle when he's done.

I scoff. "I wouldn't have offered if I didn't want to. I'd love to meet her. I just... she doesn't know me, you know? Nor do your parents. I just... I've never done anything like this, so it's just a little unnerving right now."

He pulls me towards his chest and wraps his arms around me. He's like a fluffy blanket in the sub-zero temperature of the dead of night. Or at least, the sub-zero temperature of the English countryside in a blizzard.

"I can understand that. Look, if you don't feel ready or you don't want to do this, then that's fine. You can do what you like, I won't feel any less about you, or think anything less about you, or anything if you didn't want to. If you just want to go home and have a shower and a proper cup of tea or coffee, go ahead. I won't hate you for it. Just do what you want to do. Especially on Christmas Eve!" Wyatt threads our fingers together to show his sincerity, but I can hear it in his voice regardless.

I smile. "I want to meet your family, I really do. Trust me, I'm okay with it. But thank you for saying that."

He nudges me gently with his elbow and I sway back at him like a ball on a string. "You know how pleased I am you were here in this carriage with me?"

"As pleased as the Joker is when he kills someone, right?" I retort.

"I was going for something like a hummingbird when they sing or the sun when it's shining, but that works too!"

I chuckle. "I'm excited to meet your sister, she seems like my kind of person."

His eyes flicker to the window, and we both know it's because talking about her is emotional. I keep silent, allowing him to steer the rest of this conversation.

"So... I mean, if you wanted to, you could stay for Christmas too. My mum will do our dinner before plating up hers and taking it to her. So, you'll be welcome to stay the night at our place. Separate bed and everything, I know that will be you know, awkward and all. But... it might be nice."

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