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I love the myth of the white snake, it's a beautiful love story and wanted to do my own version and since I'm watching ashes of love right now, I decided why not to do a cross over between them so it saved me the trouble of writing a fan fiction for the ashes of love.

Ideas I have that I may use but probably won't because I have the memory of a goldfish

• "Xufeng, help me up, I haven't walked in a thousand years!" Xufeng helped me to my feet, "your like a child," pushing him at his comment, I fell to my knees, "you try walking after being in your animal form for a thousand years, it's not easy!"

• opening my eyes, I was back in heaven, Xufeng was sitting beside my bed, "you did it Su zhen, you passed the trail! I saw what happened, I'm sorry about you and Xu xuan," tears filled my eyes as I sat up, "I'm never going to see him again am I?"

Xufeng didn't say anything because we both knew the answer, my husband is died and his soul is probably on it's way to the afterlife to be reborn where as I must now live forever as Su zhen now that I'm an immortal.

• wrapping his arms around my waist, xu xuan grabbed my ass, making me jump, he chuckled at my surprise, "aw, baby you're so cute when your surprised."

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