Chapter 3

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Su zhen

Opening my eyes, I felt so small and frail, looking up, I was in a young woman arms, am? Am I a baby again? I knew i would be reborn but I didn't think i would literally become a baby again but I suppose I'll have to be a baby again since here on earth, everyone has to be registered with their birth certificate, the next year and half of my life is going to a long boring one as I wait until my body has grown strong enough and big enough that I can relearn how to walk, AGAIN!

And how to speak, this going to be a boring and very, very long year and half of my life, what the hell am I going to do in the mean time?

Besides learning and observing the humans cultures and ways, I have nothing to do.

25 years later

After waiting and working hard for the past 25 years, I grew up, went to school, learned how the humans live and how best to live my life whilst I'm here, I decided when I was 6 that the best way I want to live my human life is by becoming a doctor since I already have a great deal of experience with medicine and I want to help people.

Plus it's one of the 7 trails to work hard to make the lives of others better, by becoming a doctor, I can definitely complete that trail, the 7 trails are challenging all humans must overcome in their lives.

1) lose of childhood and the carefree days

2) working to complete one's education to start out one's life as an adult

3) working hard to improve the life of others who are sick and weak

4) the first heart break

5) losing a loved one

6) growing older and not being able to get better as easily as when one was younger

7) growing old, watching other around you die including the one you love and eventually death yourself

So far I've only completed the first 3 trails, I'm not a Virgin but I haven't really had a heart break yet, I dated a few guys in college but there was never really any kind of connection there that could become love, even when I was a demon, there was no one that I was ever with that could have become love.

I'm not really sure what love is and what it feels like, I love Xufeng but I know it's not romantic love, that's the extent of my knowledge about it, I have always been curious to know what love is but I don't really know where to start, putting on my white doctors coat, I put my stethoscope around my neck.

Walking out of the female doctor changing room, walking up the main desk where two pretty young nurses were fixing up their makeup, "do you have a list of my patients for me?"

"Ah...yes, here you go," handing me a piece of paper with a list of patients and where I'm going to be today, I read through the list but looked up when the nurses started to get excited and giggling, "oh my god, he's so handsome!"

"I know, I feel so lucky to just work in the same hospital as him," they whispered back and forth, "who's handsome?"

I asked, "you don't know about xu xian?" I shook my head, "no, who is he? He must be really handsome if he's causing such a fuss," they giggled, "he is, he's the hottest guy you'll ever see."

"I don't know about that, I know some ridiculously handsome men, where is he so I can judge his hottest with my own eyes?"

"He's over there," pointing behind me, about 20 feet or so away from me, kneeling down next to the seating area was possibly one of the most handsome men I have ever seen in my whole life, including my demon life, he's even better looking than Xufeng and I didn't think that would be possible since Xufeng is a god. He was talking to a little boy in a wheelchair, my jaw dropped, literally at the sight of his beautiful smile as he made the little boy laugh, "oh my god, you weren't kidding when you said he was hot! Jesus!"

"I know right, he's the most talented and handsome doctor in the whole hospital," impressive, "well as much as i would love to stay and ogle this handsome specimen, I have to go now, see you later," walking away, I left those nurses to continue fawning over this xu xian guy.

Going to the child's ward, i checked on my first patient, "hello Mia, I'm your new doctor, doctor bai, how are you feeling today?" The sweet 13 year old girl laying in her hospital bed smiled, "I'm feeling a little better, my throat does hurt a little bit though but other than that, I'm feeling better."

"Well let's take a quick look at your throat so we can let you go back home as soon as possible, I'm sure your missing your own bed."

"Yeah I am," checking the back of her throat, nothing looked wrong, "it's just a sore throat, I'll let your mum know your ready to go home and get the paper work ready for your discharge," going to walk out of the room, I suddenly stopped when I nearly walked into xu xian pushing the boy in the wheelchair from earlier.

"Oh sorry," apologising, I moved out of the way for him and walked out of the room, letting Mia mum know that she's ready to go home, I got the discharge from paper ready and her mum filled it out, handing it into the nursers at the desk, i walked back to the children ward to see my other patients but before I got there. My phone started ringing, taking it out, I rolled my eyes when I saw it was mum, picking up the phone as I walked down the hallway, "hey mum, I'm busy, why are you calling me?"

"I wanted to talk to you because now that your a doctor, i think it's time to put your career on the back burner and find a boyfriend," I scoffed, "how can I put my career on the back burner when my career started today, I'm in my 20s, I've got plenty of time."

"Su zhen! Your 25, your not getting any younger, you need to think about your future!" I laughed, "thinking about my future was when I was in high school, trying to work out which would be the best medical school to go too, besides if I'm going to find a man then he needs to be someone who's actually capable of keeping up with me and who better than another doctor?" Putting my other hand that wasn't holding my phone to my ear in my pocket, I arrived back at the children ward, "look mum, I've got to go, a lot of patients to see," hanging up the phone before she could say anything. I walked into the room from earlier where my other patients is to see xu xian still here, "are you new here?"

I nodded, "yeah, I just started today," holding out my hand to him, I introduced myself. "Hi, I'm Su zhen," taking my hand, he shook it, "nice to meet you, I'm xu xian, how are you enjoying your time here?"

"It's alright, I think in medical school I built up the idea of being a doctor in my head but now I'm an actual doctor, it's a little underwhelming in a way, I love the work and helping people but with there being more downsides to being a doctor than there is upsides," I sighed, "yeah, I felt like that when I got my doctorate."

"How long have you been a doctor now?" I'm not sure why but I just couldn't seem to take my eyes off his dark but yet kind looking eyes, "about 2 years now, don't worry, it gets easier as you go along."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2022 ⏰

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