multiple one dollar bills on a vending machine.

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As Luke and Vivian Hemmings drove down the highway with other cars amongst them, Vivian found herself answering the dozens of questions Luke had to offer. It made Vivian's throat hurt with the amount of vocal cords she was using.

Luke glanced at Vivian, who looked slightly irritated – it made him frown. "You know," He said, "I only want you in a safe place. Promise me you'll let me know if something is wrong."

Vivian nodded firmly, even though a lie hid behind her head. "I will," She said.

"Good." Luke nodded firmly, "I love you."

They began to get closer to the hotel Luke was staying at and Vivian had her eyes on the passing city lights. She was memorized.

The city lights coated her light blue eyes and it made it seem like stars rotated in her eyes. She let a smile tug at her lips.

"Here we are," Luke said, parking in the private parking garage. He exited the car with Vivian and they grabbed her bags.

"Here we are, love," Luke said, pulling into a private parking garage for the fancy hotel above. When he exited the car and grabbed her bags, they started toward the doors.

Vivian examined the lobby of the fancy hotel her dad was staying in – it reminded her of how loaded Luke Hemmings was. Luke took Vivian's hand in his.

"Alright," Luke said, putting the room key to the door handle – causing a small click sound. Luke pushed open the door, letting Vivian in first. "How about we set down your bags and go to the guys room?"

Vivian agreed with a small nod. She ventured deeper into the elegant hotel room, examining each small part. She noticed the paintings, the bedsheets – basically how nice the hotel room was. She didn't begin to imagine how much it was a night.

Luke chuckled softly while watching his daughter. He hummed softly, "Your uncles are dying to see you, you know."

Vivian had always loved her uncles to death. Each one meant a great deal to her – however, she was particularly close with Michael.

Michael had been the one to hold her when her parents were fighting a few years ago, before the divorce. He had introduced her to some of her favorite hobbies and he had been the one to text her each week, reminding her that she was loved by him.

Michael was like her 2nd father.

"When can we go see them?" Vivian asked.

Luke rolled up his sleeve toward his elbow, extending his hand to check his watch. He pursed his lips, "Whenever you'd like."

That's how the 16 year old and the dad ended up right in front of room 609, merely 2 doors down from their own hotel room. Vivian bit her lip anxiously – she hadn't seen her uncles in a while, perhaps she looked different?

"Honey," Luke frowned. "Why do you seem nervous?"

"I haven't seen them in so long." Vivian said, glancing up at Luke. "What if I seem annoying?"

Luke frowned more. "You're not annoying, darling. Don't get yourself worked up," He brought her into a side hug. "Michael hasn't shut up about wanting to play video games with you for months."

A small smile entered Vivian's face – it seemed like her nerves went away.

Luke raised his fist to knock on the hotel room door and heard multiple movements in the room – almost like someone falling on the floor. A few seconds later, Michael opened the door with a giant smile on his face.

It didn't take Vivian a second to jump into his arms, wrapping her own around his neck. Michael chuckled as he wrapped his own arms around his niece.

"You've grown taller!" Michael insisted, putting her down on the floor and ruffling her hair. "Soon enough, you'll possibly be your dad's height!"

Vivian laughed. "As if,"

"Is that Viv I hear?"

A familiar voice emerged from a room in the back corner, and Vivian smiled when she saw a familiar tall doctor. She ran straight into Ashton's arms.

Ashton picked her up and spun her around carelessly, holding her tightly and kissing her head multiple times.

"Michael's right!" He claimed, "You've grown a couple inches! I haven't seen you for maybe 4 months, and you're nearly up to my neck?"

"Growth spurts," Vivian giggled as Ashton set her down. "You've dyed your hair red again?"

Ashton ran a hand through his hair proudly. "Yes, I did. Michael helped – he thinks I look good with red hair."

"It suits you!" Vivian agreed.

The reunion settled down after Vivian had told them about how school was going and what she was partaking in. Luke set up straight with a yawn, "Where is Calum?" He asked.

Ashton glanced up. "He was down in the lobby – he mentioned that he found a small vending machine and was trying to get the most out of it," He said, narrowing his eyes. "Fucking idiot – we make so much money, and can go buy snacks any time we'd like, but he would rather use multiple one dollar bills on a vending machine?"

Vivian laughed and nodded. "Good use of money!"

"I think I need to teach you 'good use of money' before you graduate, darling."

starlight, luke hemmingsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang