she's missing.

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Luke Hemmings was pissed.

"What do you mean our teenage daughter is missing?" He asked firmly into the phone, his ex-wife on the other side.

"How more clear could I get, Luke?" Cassandra snapped. "She's not in bed. She's not anywhere. I've checked the whole house — twice."

"Check again," Luke ordered. "I'm going to call her school. Have you called them yet?"

"It's 6 am, Luke," Cassandra argued.

"Cassandra, just fucking— I'll check," Luke snapped, getting up from his bed. His head turned toward the clock — 4 fucking am.

"Her phone is still here," Cassandra suddenly said. Luke heard shuffling from the other side of the phone, "Where could she have gone without a phone?"

"She doesn't go anywhere without a phone." Luke said.

"She's also 16, Luke." Cassandra said. "She could be at a party for all I know. Vivian isn't a saint, Luke."

"Have you not noticed what our 16 year old does to impress you?" Luke snapped again. "She gets good grades, never goes out, does everything you ask her — she's not a goddamn party, Cassandra! I'm going to call her school and if you find anything out, call me."

Luke closed his eyes as he hung up the phone without letting Cassandra speak again. He threw his phone onto his bed, rubbing his face in his hands, and got up to get ready.

Back in Rhode Island, Cassandra was examining the whole room again. As she investigated further, she saw a male's t-shirt on the floor and she widened her eyes.

"Whore," Cassandra mumbled angrily.

She threw the shirt into the hall and continued to check her daughter's room. Ultimately, she found nothing but two body prints on Vivian's bed and a male's belt on the floor near the bottom of the bed.

After an hour of searching, she found nothing. It was now 7:30 and she had decided to call Luke again.

Luke picked up immediately. "Did you find her?" He asked.

"No." Cassandra said, looking down at her daughter's floor. "I haven't found anything and no one has seen her. Did you find her?"

"I called her school but they said she wasn't there. I'm going to call Niall and see if she's at his house with his daughter, okay? While I do that, you call her other friends' moms and see if they have seen her." Luke exhaled. "I'll also call hospitals and jails."

"Okay, Luke," Cassandra exhaled, hanging up the phone.

It had been around 8 am when Luke informed the guys about the situation at hand. Luke, obviously panicked, had Ashton call Niall instead.

"Ashton, hello," Niall said cheerfully, holding his phone to his ear as he stood in his kitchen — helping Olive get breakfast. "What can I do for you?"

"Hey, Niall, I have a quick question." Ashton bit his lip. "It seems Vivian's gone missing, or something about the sorts, and we were wondering if you or Olivia have seen her."

Niall's expression dropped and he furrowed his eyebrows. "I haven't seen her—" He paused to look at his daughter, "Olivia, have you seen Vivian?"

"I saw her yesterday at school," Olive said. "Why? What's wrong?"

"She's missing." Niall said carefully, bringing his phone back to his ear. "Me nor Olive have seen Vivian but I will head over to the hospital and see if she's there, okay? Don't stress, I'm sure she's okay."

Ashton thanked Niall and Olive for their time and hung up. He set the phone down, ran a hand through his hair, and looked at Luke. "They haven't seen her since yesterday. Has Cassandra said anything?"

"No," Luke exhaled sharply. "Fuck."

"I'm sure she's okay, alright?" Ashton mumbled, picking up his phone. "I'm going to call Harry — see if he's seen her at all. He works near the school."


The search for Vivian continued — and mostly, they all came up with nothing. No sign of the 16 year old anywhere, it was like hell on earth for Luke's mind and his chest.

He had at least 3 panic attacks by 6 am, an hour after they'd called Niall. Luke decided to call out and even was about to book a plane ticket for that very same day — if his daughter, his angel, was truly missing, he would not miss a beat to go and help look for her.

Around 6:30 am, Luke got a call from Niall.


"Luke, you need to come to Rhode Island right now." Niall said urgently. "Your daughter was at the hospital but she had passed out before anyone could get an identity out of her. But — fuck — you need to come here right now. I will explain as you pack." 

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