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Jungkook woke up alone on the bed. He found it odd for not having Taehyung by his side. He was always there. Like a pet, following him around. He went to the bathroom to freshen up and went to the living room, hoping to see Tae.

He was disappointed to see no one. Why was he disappointed though? He didn't know. "Taehyung? Taehyungie? Taehyungie hyung? TaeTae? Tae, where are you?" He searched him everywhere but was met with silence. A discomforting silence.

The only place remaining to be searched was Taehyung's room. That's what Jungkook did. He went in the room to find it empty. Except for a book, the room was clean as if no one lived there. Not even a single piece of Taehyung's belongings was present in the room. As if the had boy vanished and never actually existed.

That's when he smelt smoke. It was coming form the backyard. He was too occupied searching for Tae that he didn't notice any fire. He walked to his back yard to find Taehyung's belongings on fire. Like the fire was put there to be noticed. Why? Jungkook was stunned. His boyfriend's, all the things, were on fire. His photos, clothes, books, favorite pillow, blanket, and the last thing he noticed was still half burned picture of them. Smiling. But only Jungkook was clearly visible. Taehyung's face was almost destroyed.

Fear rushed through Jungkook's body. That tingle in his body, making him nauseous. Then it clicked him. The book in the middle of the room, on the bed. The only thing in the room. It did not belong to Jungkook. It had to be Taehyung's.

He rushed upstairs, to the room. There he saw it. The only thing that can prove that Taehyung existed. He grabbed the book. Again, the same fear rushed through his body. A weird feeling. He felt his heart racing. He felt that pit in his stomach. What is happening?

'Kim Taehyung's Diary. The diary of the bully'

That was written on the top. Wait, what?

He opened a page randomly , which happened to be the second last page and read both the last pages. After the realization hit him, he dropped the diary and he stood there shocked, too scared to move. But he had to, when the phone rang. He quickly picked it up. That's it, he fell on his knees. He had messed up.

He had got a call from the hospital. Informing him about Taehyung's death. A suicide.

That's the moment Jungkook realized something..

Taehyung could have lived, if only Jungkook did not betray him like that. If only Jungkook had truly loved him, Taehyung would be alive. Love would have healed the broken one.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Tae"

3 years later

3 years, a long time to move on. But, apparently, not for Jungkook. Not when he truly lost his love. He doesn't trust himself, why will the others?

Actions do speak louder than words, but words do equal amount of damage. They don't hurt you physically, but they do mentally. Somethings cannot be forgotten and somethings cannot be forgiven.
If the one who you seek forgiveness from, does not forgive you, can you forgive yourself?

It will always bother you.

Jungkook had hurt Taehyung. Both, with his actions and words. And he did not get a chance to ask for forgiveness. So, he couldn't forget Taehyung, nor could he move on. Because their farewell wasn't a good one.
"I'm sorry, I love you too."

Please mind what you say to others. Your words may hurt someone.

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