chapter 8

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Willow POV

"So... not only did I talk to the Prince out of place, I also just vomited infront of him." Willow thought to herself.

At this point she wouldn't even be surprised if he executed her based on her rudeness alone. Even if she wanted to, she simply couldn't allow it, she still needed to find the truth about her father after all.

She felt a cool breeze hit her neck and looked over to see Sebastian holding her hair up. She ran away from him, yet he continued to follow her.

"I'm assuming you aren't feeling the best. I sincerely apologize for everything that had just occurred." Sebastian stated while continuing to hold her hair.

She rolled her eyes. She has been through a traumatic experience where she literally thought she would die, a one sentence summary wouldn't cut it. There was no simple way to could convey how she felt in the moment. Her heart pounded inside her chest and she felt like she could not even breath.

A napkin was pushed into her hand and she instantly used it to clean her mouth. Still tasting the vomit flavor on her tongue, Willow turned around to face Sebastian. She did a drinking gesture to inform him she was going to get water.

"Oh heavens no, I will get it for you. Stay here." He said walking off into a foreign area.

Willow realized how empty the ball room was compared to when the party started. She figured they ran off when the stranger showed up.

"I can't think about this right now. I need to go." Willow thought.

She glanced toward the exit near her and made her leave. The thought of having to have an awkward conversation with the prince was enough to make her puke again.

"Oh crap I don't remember how to get back to my room."

Sebastian pov

Grabbing the water from a beverage table, he noticed the lack of people in the room. Instead of being surrounded by guest, it was filled with soldiers and guards.

"Great." He thought to himself while chugging a second water he grabbed.

One guard walked up to him with a sort of confidence that made you worry even more.

"Sir, we have no answer as to where the assailants disappeared to. But I can guarantee we are doing everything in our power to find out." He bowed. "Thank you, your majesty."

His insides grew with feelings of paranoia and anxiety. The Kingdom was already in a state of panic with his fathers death. With the addition of this invasion it may be hard for him to step up as King.

His thoughts of the matter began to be pushed aside as he looked at the water he held.


That woman was a mystery to him. The fact that he had met her less than 24 hours and she had already engrained herself into his life. Not on purpose he believed, but he could never be to sure.

He felt a deeper connection with her, but he couldn't figure out why. Maybe it was her skin that almost shined, maybe it was the way she looked at him with her sarcastic eyes, perhaps it was even the scent of honey that lingered on her.

He turned to the place he just left her, his stomach dropped to see that she wasn't there anymore.

"My runaway princess." He thought to himself with a hint of sadness.

For the fourth time in 10 minutes, he began replaying the interaction that occurred with the stranger. That man was saying that he wasn't the rightful King of Tewe. That was clearly impossible because he was the only child between his father and mother.

"What secrets have you kept from me father." Sebastian said, this time out loud to no one in particular.

Thanks for reading guys 💓

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