chapter 1. beginning

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[third person

The horses trudged through the mud as they had been for 45 minutes now. Willow had just come back from her 'tea party' with other lady's. She knew they all despised her, though they would never admit it out loud. The sharp glares, the whispers, the motions gave her everything she needed to know.

"Those spoiled little-" Willow stopped herself before finishing that thought. She tried to refrain from being churlish to others, even though they may drive her up the wall. Trying to move her attention to something else she turned toward her personal butler.

A sneaky grin grew over her face, "So Edward what do you think about Amelia." She didn't entirely know who Amelia was, but she was certain she heard it during the party.

"Oh yes, I happen to think Amelias actions were quite ignominious. Publicly calling out her mother for actions that should be private, absolutely horrendous." Edward noted, normally for other people of higher classes they wouldn't allow servants to even breath the same air as them, much less speak their opinion. Willow valued every single one of their thoughts and every one of them as a person.

A breathtaking town came into view. This was her own town of Faha. Beautiful homes came into view with people bumbling around the streets. Willow loved entering Faha, even though she lived there for almost her whole life she could never get enough. The soft smell of honey danced around in her nose. No one really knew where the scent came from, but it became one of the many beauties of the town.

The white carriage slowed down in front of an old majestic house. Edward stepped out of the carriage reaching his hand out for Willow. She grabbed his hand without hesitation and stepped out of the carriage. Edward, herself, and two guards walked into the Naverni household.

The guards pushed the two doors open and they walked inside. "I am heading to my room Edward, so let mother know I arrived." Willow announced to him as Sally, her lady-in-waiting, approached her.

Willow walked up the elegant stairs into her bedroom and instantly closed the door after Sally was in. "Well I am absolutely drained-" Willow started cut off by her dropping on her bed. She didn't attend to over work herself today, but she had a lot of errands that particular day. "Sally dear, be a darling and grab my medicine off my desk." She instructed Sally.

Sitting on her rose bed she took the blue pill. Willow took one in front of Sally, knowing she would report it to Edward if she downed more than what was needed. Willow, with the help of Sally, started undressing the tight dress she was wearing and slipped into a blue night gown.

After what couldn't have been 5 minutes of reading Edward bust into Willow's room with a paper in his hand. Willow instantly stood up knowing that for him to come into her room unannounced it was an emergency.

"The King-" he started out of breath from running to her room.

"The King what?" She edged him to continue.

"The King.. The King is dead!" Edward shouted.

Thank you for reading this book 💗. I don't have a specific schedule for posting at the moment, but I will try whenever I can. See ya!

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