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Sydney's POV

I gripped my forehead, trying to process everything. The one thing that I was sure of was that I had to leave—immediately. Shoving my belongings recklessly into my suitcase, I anxiously hurried. I couldn't face anyone that night. I wouldn't know what to say or do. But I knew for sure that I didn't want to be the reason why Daniel's marriage fell apart—why Amy's marriage—I couldn't believe it.

"Mom, what—what are you doing?" Miley looked at me as she closed the door behind her. I nervously zipped up my suitcase, trying to figure out what I would tell my daughter.

"Yeah, uh. How are you feeling?"

"Better. Thanks for not making a big deal out of it. Dad took good care of me."

"Where is he? Your dad?"

"Sleeping probably. I didn't think I should leave you alone tonight." Her eyes narrowed at my luggage. "Please don't tell me you're leaving. I thought you were having a good time!"

"I am. I—just think tomorrow would be too much. And I have some work that I need to do and—"

"Mom, please. It's just a wedding. I want you to be there."

Miley walked closer and when I looked into her pleading eyes, tears ran down my cheeks. "I can't, Miley. I just can't. It's too hard. It'll be too hard."

"To see Dad?"

I nodded hastily. "Yes, to see your dad," I mumbled. "It's best if I don't. I already booked a flight for tonight, so there's no stopping me." I closed the distance between us and pulled her into a hug.

"I'm trying to understand. I kinda do. I just wish things could be different, Mom."

"Me too, honey. Me too." My body trembled as she held me. My heart felt heavy inside of my chest. It begged to embrace Amelia. And tell her everything that happened in the past twenty years. But I couldn't. It would have opened too many wounds. "I should go. My flight's in a few hours."

Miley stepped out of our embrace. "I'll walk you out."

"No, it's fine, honey. I'll be fine," I assured her. She seemed hesitant to believe me. "You might still be tipsy. Get some rest. I'll call you."

"Take care of yourself, Mom. I'll see you in a few days?"

I nodded. "Yes, see you then."

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