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Sydney's POV

There's been many lonely nights since Miley left. I'd close the shop and drive to an empty house, eat dinner alone and go to bed. Most nights I would be in bed and spend hours thinking about my life and how I prioritized everyone in front of myself.

Knocking on the door, I was anxious. I hadn't heard from Miley since she left that day. And she wasn't answering my calls or responding to my messages.

Regardless of how mad I was, she was still my daughter. And I'd always worry about her, no matter how unreasonable she could be. My mother opened the door with a mud mask covering her face. "Hey, Mom, is she here?"

"She's out with some friends," my mom tilted her head and stared at me, "you can come in and wait."

"It's not like she wants to see me."

"Come on in, sweetheart. Let's talk." I followed her into the kitchen. She poured two glasses of wine and slid one over to me. "Miley's just mirroring her father's pain. And the only person left to take it all out on, is you."

"How nice for me," I murmured. "Think she'll get over it soon?"

My mother shrugged. "Couldn't tell you what goes on in that kid's head. But you, my daughter, need to stop worrying about everyone's bullshit." She leaned the glass to her lips and devoured every drop of wine.

"You think so?"

"I know so." She poured herself another glass. "It's unfortunate that Amelia almost married your ex-husband, who by the way, I've never liked."

"I know, Mom. You've made that clear over the years."

She raised her finger. "He's a pussy. For fuck's sake, who falls in love with a lesbian twice? Does he not know what attraction is?"

"Mom, it's more my fault than his. I shouldn't have married him."

"Right. You and him, total mistake. It happens. But he almost did it a second time? Doesn't the guy know what it looks like when a woman isn't in love with him?"

I rubbed my temples. "I'm sure Amelia isn't a lesbian, Mom. And I'm sure that she did love him."

"Not in the right way, I'd say." She devoured another glass. "Look, all I'm saying is, you have no reason to feel guilty. Amelia's mom and I both agree that you and Amelia should go on a date."

I gripped the kitchen counter, trying to process everything that my mother was saying to me. "So you approve?"

"Yes! Why wouldn't I?" She looked at me wide-eyed.

I closed my eyes and exhaled a relieved breath. Tears filled my eyes. "It's just—just, nice to hear. Thank you."

"Oh, sweetheart," she pulled me into her arms. "I know I may not have always been supportive of you, but I do remember how much you liked that girl."

"You do?"

"Of course. You wouldn't shut up about her. The best part of your year was when you went to that camp and spent your summers with her. I couldn't get you to consider doing anything else on your summer break."

"She was my best friend." I sighed against my mother's warm body. "I was devastated when she stopped going."

"But you still went every year, hoping that she'd show up."

"Until I went off to college. And I gave up. I knew I ruined our friendship. She didn't like me the way I liked her. And then I met Daniel."

"Yes, you met Daniel." She leaned back and looked into my eyes. "I still don't know what you saw in him."

"He was sweet and kind and we were so young. It just happened."

"And then Miley happened."

"Yeah." I smiled softly. "I don't regret it. I only wish I never had to hurt anyone."

"Sweetheart, you're the most selfless person I know. When you left him, I was so relieved. Gosh, I can't believe he still makes you feel guilty about that."

"I still feel guilty about that."

"I know you do, sweetheart. But listen to me, you deserve happiness too. Yes, Daniel is hurt. And yes, Miley is hurt too. But someday, they'll move on with their lives. Daniel might find another lesbian to fall in love with. Miley's going to find herself a boyfriend when she goes off to college. And you, do you think you should still hold onto all the bad stuff and never move on too? Sure, it doesn't have to be Amelia. But what if she's the one? What if all this time you two were meant to end up together?"

"If we were meant to be, it would've happened when we were—"

"But you had to have Miley. What if everything that happened, happened for a reason? Why don't you try thinking about it like that?"

"You really think so, Mom?"

She pulled me tighter into her. "I don't want you to have any regrets. When you're old like me, you can think back and know that you did everything you could, whether it works out or not."

"Mom. Thank you. I really needed someone to be on my side."

"I'll always be on your side, sweetheart." She pulled on the necklace around her neck that had her and my dad's wedding rings as pendants. "Your dad would support you too, if he was here."

I felt a portion of the weight I carried lifted off of my shoulders. My mother's approval was something I needed. I wasn't sure if I'd pursue Amelia. But having someone tell me that I didn't have to feel guilty about everything that happened, made me feel a whole lot better. Of course, my mother's affirmation wouldn't fix all my problems or my burdens. I still needed to figure out exactly what I wanted. But I knew, for sure, that I wanted Amelia in my life again.

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