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Sydney's POV

"I'm so frickin' mad at you!" Miley yelled as she shoved clothes into a suitcase. "How can you do this to Dad?"

My jaw tightened, as I once again, tried to put everyone's feelings in front of my own. "I'm not doing anything! How was I supposed to know that she'd show up?"

"You should have told her to leave, but you didn't." Miley turned to me. I could see the anger in her eyes. But I was angry too.

"I was actually happy to see her. Is that a crime?"

"Yes. She left Dad at the altar. How could you talk to her after what she did!"

"My life doesn't revolve around you and your father, Miley! Don't do this. Don't say that. Don't talk about anything that makes you happy, that'll make Dad sad. I'm fucking tired."

"You always find a way to hurt him. I now see that."

"Wow. I tried to make my marriage with him work. I tried for you. I swallowed my feelings for years. Yes, I hurt him. But I'm hurt too Miley. Don't I deserve happiness too?"

"Yes. But not with her!"

I took a deep breath to get my thoughts in order. "Amelia and I are not—"

"Save it!" Miley held up her hand. "Tell me. Tell me that you don't have feelings for her. Look me in the eyes and tell me." Miley walked towards me, trying to hold my gaze.

I looked away. "It doesn't matter if I do. She's never felt the same! Don't you get it?"

"No, I don't. Because I'm sure she left Dad because of you."

"That's not my fault! What was I supposed to do? Drag her down the aisle? I left. I packed my things and left. How is any of this my fault?"

Miley stepped back. I saw the tears streaming down her cheeks. "Don't bother showing up to my graduation. I'll be at Grandma's house. Don't come looking for me."

I wanted to stop her. But I was so mad. Did she ever take my feelings into consideration? I was finally realizing that no one cared about my happiness. Watching her drag her suitcase out of her room, my tears dried. If no one cared about my feelings, I didn't have to care about theirs.

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