Chapter 3

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The sound of a yawn catches my attention and I turn my head slightly to see Ais waking up.

As she moves her head from my shoulder she looks around and spots me.


"Good Morning."

Ais:"Good Morning. Thank you for letting me sleep on your shoulder."

"Its nothing, you should get back to your familia, I'm sure they are worried about you."

Ais:"You're right, see you another time?"

"Sure thing, this old hound has time."

Ais nods and gets up and leaves and I get up not too long after.

"Time to see if Monsterphilia was worth returning to Orario for."

Hopping off the wall I manuver my way through the crowded streets of Orario.


Timeskip brought to you by Cute Jinx

'The festival is certainly lively.'

Making my way through the crowds I manage to make my way to the Hostess of Fertility and see Mia, Ryuu, Anya, and Chloe there.

Mia:"Cú, what brings you here?"

"Getting off the busy street for a moment."

Mia:"Well stay as long as you like just dont flirt with my staff."

"No promises."

Mia just shakes her head as she goes back to cleaning a mug. Ryuu walks up to me.

Ryuu:"Well if you here you might as well help. The dishes need to be done."

She then hands me a rag and walks off.


Mia:"Syr was suppose to do it, but she's got the day off."

I get up and set my spear behind the counter.

"Dont let anyone touch it."

Mia:"You have my word."

I head into the back and see a pile of dishes in the sink and sigh.

"Shes a slacker isn't she?"


The elf says while walking past the doorway.

So I begrudgingly begin to clean the mountain of dishes which the elf and cats add on to the pile.

"Stop making more work for me kitty."


She says lightly hitting her head while looking cute.

At some point a commotion of monster loose on the streets erupted outside, but it seemed like the Ganesha and Loki familia's had it undercontrol.

"And this is why the Astraea familia was needed."

The elf who was putting dishes onto the pile heard this and looked at me.

Ryuu:"They were the police force of Orario."

"Acted like it, and you all were helpful. Shame what happened."


She starts to help me wash the dishes and we quietly work.


She turns her head slightly to me.

"Are you scared of Juggernaut?"

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