Chapter 6

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"Say kitty how are you?"

Anya:"Niym doing purrfectly finye meow!"

"Thats good." I say as I give her a pat on the head and she almost immedately pulls a plate up to hide her face.

Anya:"W-Well meowhat can nyi get nyu sir nya~?"

"Just call me Y/n, and whatever's easiest for May to cook."

Anya:"Coming right up meow~!"

She tells me and she heads back into the kitchen and I lean on the counter with my head against my hand.

"So Mama Mia how are you today?"

Mia:"Buisness as usual hound."

"And Ryuu?"

Mia:"Ask her yourself."

She says while gesturing behind me and I turn my head just enough to see Ryuu staring at me.

"So how are you?"


She says before heading off and I sigh.

"Great conversation."

Mia:"She'll open up more eventually."

Anya comes out of the kitchen with a plate of food and sets it infront of me and smiles at me.

Anya:"There nyu go Y/n."

She stares at me as if shes waiting for something and I smile realizing what. I give her a headpat making her tail sway happily.

She runs off to go back to work and I start to eat the food and see Mia smirking at me while she cleans a mug.

"Whats that smirk for?"

Mia:"Oh nothing, just can't belive the wolf fancies a kitty."

"Hephaestus said the same thing." I say with a sigh making her laugh.



Twirling my spear I peirce the hobgoblin through the chest the crystal is balanced perfectly on the tip of my spear.

"Purrfect accuracy." I sat making myself chuckle.

I sidestep a swing from another hobgoblin and send a highkick to its head killing it.

Then looking around at the remaining enemies which were just 2 mammoth fools.

One immedately charges at me and I jump straight up and land on its tusk and run up to its head and impale my spear in its head.

Using it body as a springboard before it turns to dust and launch at the second mammoth fool like a arrow piercing it between the eyes.

Landing on my feet I look around at the 3 dozen and a half crystals around me. 3 dozen hobgoblins and 6 mammoth fools in total.

"Ah, easy work as usual." I say with a grin.

Hearing a noise in the bushes I point my hand towards it and get ready to use a ansuz rune to set the bush ablaze but before I could someone comes through it.

It is a female with short red hair. She looks at me suprised and all the crystals around the clearing.

"Friend or foe?" I ask her as I point my spear at her.

'red':"Friend! Loki familia."

"Oh, wont harm you then, dealing with an angry elf isn't something I want to do."

'red':"My name is Narvi Roll."

"The names Cú." I say with an outstretched hand and her eyes go wide.


"Yeah. So why are you alone here?" I ask her and she rubs her neck embarassed.

Narvi:"I-I lost my party...."

She admits with a embarassed blushed on her cheeks.

"Eh, it happens." I tell her and toss most of the crystals into a bag on my hip.

After collecting the crystals I walk up to her.

"I'll help you find your party." I tell her and pat her head.

She quickly follows behind me as I head in the direction I heard a female voice come from.

Using my nose I pick up the scent of an elf and track it down. Eventually I come across the elf along with a bunny girl. The two spot me and Narvi as she follows behind.

'elf':"Narvi there you are!"

The elf and bunny run up to Narvi as I stand back and watch.

Narvi:"Sorry Alicia, I thought I could catch the monster."

Alicia:"What if you ran into more monsters? You're our leader you shouldn't be running off on your own."

Narvi looks down as she gets scolded by the elf. While that was happening the bunny turned towards me.

'bunny':"Thank you for helping Narvi get back to us, I'm Rakta."

"Your welcome it wasn't any trouble. The names Cú, need any help getting back up top?"

When she heard my name she seemed to be a little shocked which made me chuckle.

"Is meeting an old hound really that suprising?" I ask her and she snaps out of her shock.

Rakta:"I just didn't expect to meet you in the dungeon is all, and besides you're a legend who wouldn't be suprised meeitng you?"

"You'd be suprised. Anyways stay safe, see you all back up top safe and well." I tell her as I turn and walk off.


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