Chapter 17 Training The Arc + Tearful Reunion RWBY Part 3

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3rd POV

After entering the door that would lead to the training chambers where Y/N will train Jaune at

Jaune is amazed/Shocked at what he sees

Jaune:Where are we?!

Y/N:We are in what one of my mentor's calls the hyperbolic time chamber which as you remember time flows differently here

Y/N explains to Jaune

Jaune:Yeah 1 year here is only a day outside

Y/N:Correct now for your first part of my training we will be doing Physical training meaning you won't need to use your weapon and shield so place it near that pillar over there

Y/N points towards the pillar which Jaune places his weapon and shield at

Y/N:Now then for the next  2 months in here we will work on your upper body and lower body to make you able to handle someone in hand to hand combat so to begin I want you to atleast do 120 Push ups before the 2 months are up

Jaune Gulps but gets into position and begins to do the push ups

Y/N:I should also mention every seven days that pass I will be placing a heavy concrete slab on your back making the push ups become even harder

Jaune:Your joking right?!


Jaune then pales at the words Y/N says but continues to do the push ups

Timeskip 28 days

28 days has passed in the chambers which Jaune has already managed to get half of the 120 push ups done even with the gravity setting and the heavy stone slabs on his back

Y/N:Your doing an excellent job with the push ups Jaune I'm impressed

Y/N says while doing his on set of push ups

Jaune:Thanks but how exactly will this help me in the match with Cardin and his team again?

Y/N:Well because it will help you become more resilient to their attacks plus I'm sure Pyrrha wouldn't mind you being a bit buffer if you catch my drift

Jaune turns his head away causing Y/N to Laugh in response

Meanwhile with the group outside the chambers

Irina:Hey Pyrrha a question if you don't mind me asking?

Pyrrha:What is it?

Irina:Well it's just you love Jaune right?

Irina's words turn Pyrrha into a blushing mess

Akeno:So it seems you do

Nora:How do you guys know of her feelings for fearless leader?

Serafall:Well we women all have something called a Woman's intuition so it was easy to pick up on

Ravel:Right so when will you confess to him Pyrrha?

Before Pyrrha could speak the door to the room is then seen opened which the one who opened the door is Ruby and her team followed by Coco and her team

Ruby:Hey Guys what's going on?

Irina:Hey Everyone what brings you all here?

Yang:We came to see Y/N which Velvet told us she lead you six to here

Akeno:well as you can see Y/N is busy training Jaune for a day so you won't be able to see him today Yang

Blake:Why is he training Jaune for?

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