Chapter 41 Training Session and Confession Borderlands Part 6

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3rd POV

Within the walls of sanctuary Y/N and his Harem can be seen getting ready for a day of training with the mentors who have been training them

Suddenly a knock is heard coming from the other side of the door of the building the group is staying in

Yang:I'll get it

Yang walks over to the door and opens it to see three people of whom are Moxxi Scooter and Ellie

Yang:what brings you guys to us our location?

Moxxi:mind if we talk inside sugar?

Y/N:Let them in Yang we still got time before we train

Yang nods at her boyfriend's words which the three enter

Y/N:So I'm gonna take a wild guess and say you're here for a specific reason right moxxi?

Moxxi:You know sugar?

Weiss:we sort of all knew as for some odd reason wether it's on the sixth day or a few days before the sixth day a girl in the universe we are searching for clues in always arrives to confess to darling

Every girl of Y/Ns current harem nods at Weiss's words

Y/N:Regardless moxxi as I told those of my group before they confessed to me I want to hear your honest feelings not what you discussed with scooter and Ellie or what your brain is making you say but what comes from your heart and be completely truthful too

Moxxi nods and explains her reason for falling in love with Y/N which Y/N looks at his girlfriends who nods which he nods as well

Y/N:Very well welcome to the harem of Y/N moxxi but since you just joined that means it is required you join us for training

Scooter:What training?

Moxxi (Goddess):You won't be able to learn about that today scooter dear

Suddenly the goddess version of moxxi appears

Y/Ns group all kneel before the goddess

Ellie:woah two momma's!

Y/N:Lady Moxxi I assume you are here to take us to the training spot?

Moxxi (Goddess): No I am here to give you the cords to where the training spot will be at also to give you a spell granted to you by Ozma

Moxxi (Goddess) then stands Infront of Y/N which she sends magical energy into him

After a few minutes she stops and Y/N looks to his hands

Y/N:What was I granted?

Moxxi (Goddess):You have been granted a spell that can unlock any previous abilities that your group has learned to any new girl who joins your harem minus the racial abilities such as faunus night vision or supernatural attributes and your Saiyan/Demon techniques

Velvet:So in short terms any new girl will be able to unlock let's say their aura/semblance

Xiangling:Or their visions

Akeno:And their magical attributes

Moxxi (Godddess):Yes on all three but in any case go to the glacier town known as liarsburg the raiders know the location I speak of

The goddess version of Moxxi disappears

Y/N:Well in any case moxxi I accept your confession so please stand Infront of me

Moxxi walks over to Y/N and kisses him which Y/N then unlocks the abilities meant for her that was previously learned by Y/Ns group from the previous universes

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