Chapter 24 The Unforgettable School Dance RWBY PART 10

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3rd POV

Within the temporarily dorm of Y/N Sona Serafall Akeno Irina and Ravel the six can be heard chatting

Akeno:Now that Those three are behind bars what do you think will happen now?

Y/N:Now that they are not able to cause any trouble throughout the kingdoms I would say crime will go down to a bare minimum

Suddenly Yang and Weiss enter the room

Irina:Hey! Come on in you two

Serafall:What brings the two of you here?

Weiss:Well we was wanting to know if you all can help with setting up the school dance

Y/N:School dance?

Sona:I forget where you came from dear you didn't have any schools but a school dance is a place where students of a school go to have fun and mingle with other students dancing the night away or until the school dance stops at a specific time

Y/N:Alright I understand

Yang:in any case me and Weiss are handling the decorations for the school dance since Coco and her team are still out doing Their mission right now

Weiss:Which is why we came here to ask for your help

Y/N:Actually I'm sorry to say this but why don't you girls handle the decorations just try not to make it too girly for everyone.

Serafall:What will you be doing then honey?

Y/N:I need to talk to Jaune and Ren about planning something for the dance as for what it is well you girls will just have to wait and see what it is

Irina:Very well dear we will meet at the school dance then?

Y/N:Yes I'll see you girls there and don't worry you'll love what I have planned

Y/N gets up from his bed and exits the dorm which the girls continue to talk about setting up the decorations for the dance

Arriving at team jpnr's dorm door Y/N Knocks on the door

The door opens to reveal Ren standing at the entrance

Ren:Y/N? What brings you here?

Y/N:Hey Ren is Jaune in the room?

Ren:He is why?

Y/N:I need to speak to both you and Jaune for something I have planned for the school dance.... May I come in?

Ren:Sure come on in

Y/N steps into the room to see Jaune reading a comic book Pyrrha snuggling against him and Nora eating pancakes

Jaune:Hey Y/N what brings you to our dorm today?

Y/N:I'm here Jaune to speak with you and Ren about something I have planned for the school dance

Jaune sits up on his bed much to the dismay of Pyrrha

Jaune:What do you have planned?

Y/N:First let's cast this

Y/N casts the barrier spell that prevents anyone from seeing or hearing what is being said

Pyrrha:what did you do?

Y/N explains what he did which shocks the team

Nora:So no one can see or hear us?

Y/N:Yes which is why I hope you and Pyrrha won't say a word about what I'm to discuss with Jaune and Ren for the school dance

Both Pyrrha and Nora look at each other and nod in agreement not to say a word about what is about to be discussed

Soon Y/N begins to talk about what he wants to do at the school dance

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